Letter to the Editor

Support stores that promote Christmas

To the editor:

I am writing this letter to give all retail stores that think they can take Christmas out of this time of the year and not feel repercussions to think again.

Retail stores started marketing this time of the year to increase sales during a time that was usually slow. Over the years, there has been a marked increase in the over-commercialization of Christmas for the obvious reason of more profit. Now everyone jumps on the bandwagon of using this season to sell everything from cookies to cars. TV commercials use this theme to push products and services.

Everyone tries to predict what new toy or electronic gizmo the public will have to have this year. Marketing strategies are developed to push these products. These items are increasingly being made in China, a country that doesn't have a good record when to comes to giving its citizens a change to pursue their individual religious convictions. Religion is seen as a threat to the godless Communist state. Could some element of this philosophy try to rid our country of Judeo-Christian values? These same values are a common bond that glues our country together.

Some retail stores are trying to do away with the 2,000 years of Christmas traditions, which celebrate the birth of the world's savior, Jesus. This attempt to substitute secular themes has to be stopped. I will only buy from stores that support and use Christmas in their advertising. This move by certain stores to used the expression "Happy holidays" is disgusting.