WYATT, Mo. -- The Royal Casino Group of California has entered into a 25-year docking and franchise agreement with Wyatt officials to establish a riverboat casino and entertainment center on the Mississippi River near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; the site, which has been annexed by Wyatt, is near the Bird's Point area and is visible from Interstate 57, a main north-south artery from Chicago to New Orleans and U.S. 60-62.
The building which formerly housed Central Hardware in Cape Girardeau has been put on the auction block; it is the largest of six former Central Hardware Co. buildings being put up for auction in the Midwest; the 85,320-square-foot building located on a 7.14-acre site at 371 S. Broadview St. is the only one of the stores to be offered by a sealed bid auction.
The Cape Girardeau Central High Tigers put the wraps on their 8-1 football season last night, scoring 13 points in the final half for a 13-0 decision over SEMO North opponent, Perryville; the win was the 12th SEMO win over two years for the Bengals, who also won their second straight championship.
Nearly 100 of the artists whose works will be seen in the 24th annual Missourian Art Exhibition Nov. 21 and 22 didn't have paintings in the 1969 show; 50 of the new exhibitors are Cape Girardeans.
H.B. Newman, president of the Missouri Utilities Co., announces plan for the renovation of the white way on Broadway, Main and Good Hope streets by increasing the illumination; it is hoped the newly installed lights will be in operation by the first of December; the company will replace the 103 white way lights of 200-watt size with lamps of 500-watt size, the cost to the city to be unchanged.
SIKESTON, Mo. -- An overwhelming sentiment for an increase in the state gasoline tax, funds from which would be earmarked for construction of farm-to-market roads, develops at a meeting conducted at the armory here by the State Highway Commission and the State Highway Department; the amount of the suggested increase varied from 1 to 2 cents a gallon, which would be added to the 2 cents a gallon tax for road purposes now collected.
The Rev. Frederick Foote Johnson, Episcopal bishop coadjutor of Missouri, preaches at the morning service at Christ Episcopal Church; it is his first visit to Cape Girardeau since the coming of the Rev. J. Hanckel Taylor, rector of Christ Church.
Professor Belmont Farley, principal of Cape Girardeau Central High School, returns to Cape Girardeau in the afternoon from Kansas City, Missouri, where he attended the state teachers' convention.
-- Sharon K. Sanders
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