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RecordsMay 13, 2024

Paul Wilson helped get the Timothy J. Ruopp Award started 14 years ago; but the Cape Girardeau County bailiff never imagined he would one day receive the award; Wilson, who is retiring at the end of August, received the award Wednesday at a ceremony at the Cape Girardeau County Sheriff’s Office; the annual award recognizes an outstanding law enforcement officer with the county sheriff’s office...


Paul Wilson helped get the Timothy J. Ruopp Award started 14 years ago; but the Cape Girardeau County bailiff never imagined he would one day receive the award; Wilson, who is retiring at the end of August, received the award Wednesday at a ceremony at the Cape Girardeau County Sheriff’s Office; the annual award recognizes an outstanding law enforcement officer with the county sheriff’s office.

Fire destroys the home of Ronald and Christell Meyers and their four children at 225 S. Middle St.; “It took everything we had to move here, and now it’s gone,” says Ronald Meyers; the family recently moved to Cape Girardeau from Columbia.


It may not be a big money-maker yet, but it certainly isn’t a loser, and as the end of the six-month trial period nears for the city-owned recycling center at 605 Good Hope St., VIP industries is seeking to assume full responsibility for the operation; Hilary F. Schmittzehe, VIP director, proposes to city manager W.G. Lawley that his organization permanently take over the recycling center at the close of the trial period May 25.

A call goes out to independent truckers to shut down for the third time in six months, but early indications are that most drivers in Southeast Missouri and across the nation are apparently not responding to the call, despite overwhelming approval of the shutdown by independent Southeast Missouri truckers; the Midwest Independent Truckers Association, meeting at Poplar Bluff Saturday night, approved the shutdown by an almost unanimous vote and decided on initial spots to be picketed as part of the effort.

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The utility value of the Arena Building was demonstrated again yesterday, when between 700 and 800 persons, largest crowd for such an event in many years in Cape Girardeau, turned out for the welfare fund dance presented by the Coffee Drinkers Friendship Club; uninterrupted music from five bands, one following the other, gave those attending five solid hours of dancing; club members brand the event a huge success; proceeds will be placed in the club’s underprivileged children’s fund.

The rear axle of the auxiliary engine of the Cape Girardeau Fire Department was broken as the vehicle was being driven across a soft field last night to a burning barn at the rear of St. Vincent’s College; the truck carried 600 gallons of water and, although the vehicle was disabled, it was close enough a hose could be run to the burning barn, which contained valuable lumber.


Three telephones, located in the three main business sections of Cape Girardeau, are being installed by the local telephone company for the use of the police department in calling and receiving calls from police headquarters; the telephones — at the intersections of Broadway and Frederick Street, Independence and Main and Good Hope and Sprigg — are in steel boxes, which are locked and to which the officers will be given keys.

Yale University professor Irving Fisher addresses about 90 men of Cape Girardeau at a joint luncheon of the Rotary and Lions clubs at noon on the attitude of the United States in world affairs; he declares that the plight of the farmer is due to inflation and deflation, and the trouble in Europe is for the same reason; he predicts that when the U.S. takes a hand in world affairs, it won’t take long to bring about an equitable adjustment, and then it won’t be necessary for any country to resort to unsound methods of settling their debts.

Southeast Missourian librarian Sharon Sanders compiles the information for the daily Out of the Past column. She also writes a blog called “From the Morgue” that showcases interesting historical stories from the newspaper. Check out her blog at

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