Beef cattle
Angus: Grand champion heifer: Hamilton Angus; Reserve champion heifer: Birk Beef Cattle; Grand champion bull: Butch's Angus; Reserve champion bull: Birk Beef Cattle.
Hereford: Grand champion heifer: Aufdenberg Polled Herefords; Reserve champion heifer: Mueller Polled Herefords; Grand champion bull: Mueller Polled Herefords; Reserve champion bull: Burns Polled Herefords.
Simmental: Grand champion heifer, Jenny Eakins; Reserve champion heifer: J-5 Simmental; Grand champion bull: J-5 Simmental; Reserve champion bull: Jenny Eakins.
Charolais: Grand champion heifer: Snowy River Charolais; Reserve champion heifer: Tim Mueller; Grand champion bull: Ryan Sides; Reserve champion bull: Ruch Charolais Farms.
Brangus: Grand champion heifer: B.J. Brangus; reserve champion heifer: D.L. Brangus; Grand champion bull: Benjamin Martin; Reserve champion bull: D.L. Brangus.
Other breeds: Grand champion heifer: Ryan Hunt; Reserve champion heifer: Norman & Nathan Hunt; Grand champion bull: Sunnyland Farms; Reserve champion bull: Sunnyland Farms.
Commercial Heifers: Grand champion heifer: Brian Wolfenkoehler; Reserve champion heifer: Laura Puchbauer.
Steer show: Grand champion steer: Douglas Ludwig; Reserve champion steer: Greg Meier.
Carcass steer show: First place on foot: Doug Ludwig; First place carcass: Quentin Ruesler.
Junior Angus: Grand champion heifer: Ryan Pohlman; Reserve champion heifer: Greg Meier; Grand champion bull: Brian Wolfenkoehler.
Dairy Cattle
Ayrshire: Grand champion: Eddie Lacey; Junior champion: Eddie Lacey.
Jersey: Grand champion: Joe Kirchdoerfer; Junior champion: Joe Kirchdoerfer.
Guernsey: Grand champion: Muffets Twin Acre; Junior champion: Muffets Twin Acre.
Brown Swiss: Grand champion: Katie Voelker; Junior champion: Carlile Pride Farm.
Holstein: Grand champion: Willowbranch Farm; Junior champion: Willowbranch Farm.
Milking Shorthorn: Grand champion: Alwardt Farms; Junior champion: Garners Milking Shorthorn.
Yorkshire: Grand champion gilt: Choctaw Acres; Reserve champion gilt: Chactaw Acres; Grand champion boar: Choctaw Acres; Reserve champion boar: Choctaw Acres.
Duroc: Grand champion gilt: Choctaw Acres; Reserve champion gilt: Choctaw Acres; Grand champion boar: Choctaw Acres; Reserve champion boar: Choctaw Acres.
Commercial Gilts: Grand champion gilt: Greg Gholson; Reserve champion gilt: Greg Gholson.
Barrow show: Grand champion: David Gholson; Reserve champion: Greg Gholson.
Barrow carcass show: Heavy weight, first place on foot: Choctaw Acres; Heavy weight, first place Real Time: Choctaw Acres; Light weight, first place on foot: Geoffrey Shinn; Light weight, first place Real Time: Allison Shinn.
Suffolk: Premier breeder: Robert Eade.
Oxford: Premier Breeder: Bonnie Overbeck.
Hampshire: Premier Breeder: Robert Eade.
Southdown: Premier Breede: Bonnie Overbeck.
Dorset: Premier Breeder: Bonnie Overbeck.
Cheviot: Premier Breeder: Heggemeier Sheep Farm.
Corriedale: Premier Breeder: Craig Sheep Farm.
Rambouillet: Premier Breeder: Craig Sheep Farm.
Other breeds: Premier Breeder: Heggemeier Sheep Farm.
Market Lamb: Grand champion: Ben Meier.
Horse and mules
Draft horses: Grand champion mare: Weston Mangels; Reserve champion mare: Weston Mangels; Grand champion stallion: Horse Shoe Pines; Grand champion gelding: Horse Shoe Pines; Reserve champion gelding: Horse Shoe Pines.
Draft ponies: Grand champion: Doris Fitterling; Reserve champion: Kent Mangels.
Draft mules: Grand champion horse mule: Terry Givens; Reserve champion horse mule: Jonny Kelso; Grand champion mare mule: Jonny Kelso; Reserve champion mare mule: Rocky Stroder.
Miniature mules: Grand champion: Lori Hughes; Reserve champion: Don Pippen.
Jacks and Jennets: Grand champion Jack: Terry Givens; Reserve champion Jack: Terry Givens; Grand champion Jennets: Terry Givens; Reserve champion Jennet: Terry Givens.
Best of Show
Poultry: Paige Kain; rabbit: Jonathan Sinn; pigeon: Bill Siemers; guinea pig: Cheryl Wallgron; canned foods: Sam Giarabelluca; baked foods: Bonnie Stahlman; potted plants: Robert R. James; cut flowers: Dortha Strack; crafts and hobbies: Holly Dirnberger; horticulture: Janet Johns; FCE booth: Kage; home economics-sewing: Carmen Huckstep; fine arts: Holly Dirnberger; Best of show quilt: Rosette -- Dorothy Wibbenmeyer
Angus: Grand champion heifer: Greg Meier; Reserve champion heifer: Brian Wolfenkoehler; Grand champion bull: Brian Wolfenkoehler.
Charolais: Grand champion heifer: Ryan Sides; Reserve champion heifer: Jeff Hager; Grand champion bull: Ryan Sides.
Simmental: Grand champion heifer: Aaron Puchbauer.
Hereford: Grand champion heifer: Natalie Ruesler; Reserve champion heifer: Natalie Ruesler.
Commercial heifers: Grand champion heifer: Brian Wolfenkoehler; Reserve champion heifer: Josh Birk.
Grand champion FFA steer: Greg Meier; Reserve champion FFA steer: John Oehl.
FFA beef showmanship: John Nothdurft.
Grand champion barrow: Jennifer Weiss; Reserve champion barrow: Brent Aufdenberg.
FFA swine showmanship: Brian Aufdenberg.
Grand champion ram: Ben Meier; Reserve champion ram: Ben Meier; Grand champion ewe: Ben Meier; Reserve champion ewe: Ben Meier; Grand champion market lamb: Ben Meier; Reserve champion market lamb: Ben Meier.
FFA sheep showmanship: Ben Meier.
Ag mechanics project: Reserve grand champion: Clay Landgraf.
Grand champion: Christin Nothdurft; Reserve grand champion: Tara Propst.
Angus: Champion female: Ryan Pohlman, Oak Ridge, Arnsberg 4-H; Reserve champion female: Amy Pohlman, Oak Ridge, Arnsberg 4-H; Champion bull: Amy Pohlman; Reserve champion bull: Ryan Pohlman.
Limousin: Champion female: Ryan Hunt, Altenburg, Frohna Busy Bees 4-H.
Charolais: Champion female: Mindy Ruch, Daisy, Arnsburg 4-H; Reserve champion female: Ryan Ruch, Daisy, Arnsburg 4-H.
Poll Hereford: Champion female: Leah Ruesler, Jackson, Progressive 4-H; Reserve champion female: Leah Ruesler.
Simmental: Champion female: Jenny Eakins, Jackson, Progressive 4-H; Reserve champion female: Jenny Eakins; Champion bull: Jenny Eakins; Reserve champion bull: Jenny Eakins.
Commercial: Champion female: Laura Puchbauer, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Reserve champion female: Ryan Hunt, Altenburg, Frohna Busy Bees 4-H.
4-H Steers
Angus steers: Champion: Ryan Pohlman, Oak Ridge, Arnsberg 4-H; Reserve champion: Amy Pohlman, Oak Ridge, Arnsberg 4-H.
Charolais steers: Champion: Mindy Ruch, Daisy, Arnsberg 4-H; Reserve champion: Ryan Ruch, Daisy, Arnsberg 4-H.
Polled Hereford steers: Champion: Amanda Koenig, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H; Reserve champion: Paul Gholson, Jackson, Tilsit 4-H.
Simmental steers: Champion: Douglas Ludwig, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Reserve champion: Lisa Steffens, Jackson, Pocahontas 4-H.
Mixed breed steers
Heavy weight: Champion: Joey Rubel, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H; Reserve champion: Jennifer Koenig, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Middle weight: Champion: Rachel Lowes, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Reserve champion: Quentin Ruesler, Friedheim, Dairy 4-H.
Light weight: Champion: Andrew Bachmann, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H; Reserve champion: Justin McNeely, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H.
Champion mixed breed steer: Joey Rubel, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H; Reserve champion mixed breed steer: Jennifer Koenig, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Champion 4-H steer: Doug Ludwign, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Reserve grand champion 4-H steer: Ryan Pohlman, Oak Ridge, Arnsberg 4-H.
4-H Beef showmanship
14 years and older: Justin McNeely, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Under 14: Lisa Steffens, Jackson, Pocahontas 4-H.
4-H draft horses
Champion mare: Adam Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H; Reserve grand champion mare: Ben Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H.
Champion gelding: Ben Meier; Reserve champion gelding: A. Meier.
Grand champion 4-H draft horse: Ben Meier; Reserve grand champion 4-H draft horse: Charlie Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H.
Showmanship: 14 & over: Adam Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H; Under 14: Charlie Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H.
4-H Dairy
Brown Swiss Jr. champion: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Serno 4-H; Grand champion: Katie Voelker; Reserve champion: Katie Voelker.
Holstein Jr. champion: Veronica Schabbing, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H; Grand champion: Katie Hemmann, Jackson, Pocahontas 4-H; Reserve champion, Katie Hemmann.
Jersey Jr. champion: Justin Koerber, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H; Grand champion: Justin Koerber; Reserve champion: Justin Koerber.
Grand champion: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Serno 4-H.
4-H dairy showmanship
14 years and older: Nicole Landgraf, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Under 14: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Serno 4-H.
Champion (commercial gilt or sow): David Gholson, Jackson, Tilsit 4-H; Reserve champion: Greg Gholson, Jackson, Tilsit 4-H.
Barrows: Weight #1: Champion: Tara Propst, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H; Reserve champion: Mark Ernst, Biehle, Biehle Clover Leaf 4-H; Weight #2: Champion: Jason Walkther, Jackson, Fruitland 4-H; Reserve champion: Todd Aufdenberg, Jackson, Tilsit 4-H; Weight #3: Champion: Christin Nothdurft, Jackson, Gordonville 4-H; Reserve champion: Tara Propst, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H.
Grand champion barrow: Christin Nothdurft, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H; Reserve champion barrow: Tara Propst, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H.
4-H Swine showmanship
14 years and older: First place: Allison Shinn, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H; Second place: Denise Aufdenberg, Jackson; Tilsit 4-H; Under 14: First place: Jeremie Nothdurft, Gordonville, Gordonville 4-H; Second place: Matthew Golden, Whitewater, Tilsit 4-H.
4-H Sheep
Grand champion market lamb: Whitney Ostendorf, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H; Reserve grand champion market lamb: Lindsey Ostendorf, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H.
4-H Sheep showmanship
Under 14: Clayton Illers, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans 4-H.
Grand champion rabbit: Russell Amelunke, Jackson, Hickory Grove 4-H; Reserve champion: Amanda Birk, Burfordville, Gordonville 4-H.
Grand champion cavie: Jessica Eftink, Leopold, Leopold 4-H.
Grand champion: Jason Tubbs, Wyatt, Heartland 4-H; Reserve grand champion: Charlies Meier, Jackson, Progressive 4-H.
4-H Best of Show
Cake decorating: Michelle Kuehn, Perryville, Friendly Valley 4-H.
Child development: Stephanie Schindler, Perryville, Friendly Valley 4-H.
Clothing and textiles: Jenny Riley, Benton, Eager Beavers 4-H.
Computers: Hannah Fritsche, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Crops: Tony Miessner, Frohna, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Entomology: Jessica Eftink, Leopold, Leopold 4-H.
Food nutrition: Michelle Kuehn, Perryville, Friendly Valley 4-H.
Forestry, environmental stewardship/conservation, geology, outdoor skills: Bryant Steffens, Farrar, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Home environment: Ashley Kassel, Frohna, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Knitting & creative crochet: Michelle Kuehn, Perryville, Friendly Valley 4-H.
Miscellaneous projects: Matt Price, Chaffee, Trio-County Willing Workers 4-H.
Photography: Tyson Koenig, Perryville, Sereno 4-H.
Vegetable gardening: Jessica Eftink, Leopold, Leopld 4-H.
Visual arts: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Jewelt 4-H.
Woodwork: Luke Aufdenberg, Burfordville, Tilsit 4-H.
Other projects: Jacob Bachmann, Perryville, Farrar Hawthorne 4-H.
Youth premium food preservation awards
Vegetable: Christopher Siebert, Chaffee, Tri-County Willing Workers 4-H.
Soft spread: Kelly Kuehn, Perryville, Friendly Valley 4-H.
Pickled food: Jennifer Kasten, Pocahontas, Pocahontas 4-H.
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