Beef cattle
Grand champion heifer: Logan Birk, Cape Girardeau; reserve grand champion heifer: Logan Birk, Cape Girardeau; grand champion bull: Hamilton Angus Farms, Ava, Ill.; reserve grand champion bull: Buch's Angus, Jackson.
Grand champion heifer: Michaela Haley, Sedgewickville; reserve grand champion heifer: Seabaugh Charolais, Jackson; grand champion bull: Snowy River, Sedgewickville; reserve grand champion bull: Snowy River, Sedgewickville.
Grand champion heifer: Aufdenberg Polled Herefords, Jackson; reserve grand champion heifer: Sherwood Burns, Coulterville, Ill.; grand champion bull: Leimer Farms, Jackson; reserve grand champion bull: Sherwood Burns, Coulterville, Ill.
Grand champion heifer: Eakins Simmental, Jackson; reserve grand champion heifer: J-S Simmental, Altenburg, Mo.; grand champion bull: Eakins Simmental, Jackson; reserve grand champion bull: Chase Asmus, Oran, Mo.
Other breeds
Grand champion heifer: Dustin Myers, Farmington, Mo.; reserve grand champion heifer: Dustin Myers, Farmington; grand champion bull: Dustin Myers, Farmington; reserve grand champion bull: Collin Schabbing, Cape Girardeau.
Commercial heifers
Grand champion heifer: Joey Rubel, Cape Girardeau; reserve grand champion heifer: J-S Simmental.
All breeds steer show
Grand champion steer: Clay Birk, Jackson; reserve champion steer: Hunter Rubel, Cape Girardeau.
Carcass steer show
First place on foot: Kent Kranawetter, Jackson; first place carcass: Erin Whitener, Glenallen, Mo.
Junior angus
Grand champion heifer: Clay Birk, Jackson; reserve grand champion heifer: Logan Birk, Gordonville; grand champion bull: Bridget Welker, Patton, Mo.; reserve grand champion bull: Ryan Pohlman, Oak Ridge.
Grand champion female: John Schoen, Oak Ridge.
Grand champion female: Tyler Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau; reserve grand champion female: Tyler Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau.
Brown Swiss
Grand champion female: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Mo.
Grand champion female: Jacob Roedl, Edgewood, Ill.
Grand champion female: Eddie Lacey, Mount Vernon, Ill.; reserve grand champion female: Eddie Lacey, Mount Vernon.
Milking shorthorn
Grand champion female: Calvin Alwardt, Mason, Ill.; reserve champion grand champion female: Calvin Alwardt, Mason.
Hampshire -- premier exhibitor: Alex Eade, Addieville, Ill.
Suffolk -- premier exhibitor: Alex Eade, Addieville, Ill.
Dorset -- premier exhibitor: Alex Eade, Addieville, Ill.
Cheviot -- premier exhibitor: Bonnie Overbeck, Jackson.
Oxford -- premier exhibitor: Cole Hall, Monmouth, Ill.
Rambouillet -- premier exhibitor: Cameron Snyder, Monmouth, Ill.
Corriedale -- premier exhibitor: Jordan O'Brecht, Monmouth, Ill.
Shropshire -- premier exhibitor: Cameron Snyder, Monmouth, Ill.
Other wood breeds -- premier exhibitor: Bonnie Overbeck, Jackson.
Other meat breeds -- premier exhibitor: Jacob Benjamin, Monmouth, Ill.
Market lamb -- first place: Cameron Snyder, Monmouth, Ill.
Grand champion doe: Shannon and Karen Hunt, Harrisburg, Ill.; reserve grand champion doe: Dennis Sparks/Christine Graham, Jackson.
Fullblood/purebred does
Grand champion fullblood doe: James Brown, Jackson; reserve champion fullblood doe: Randy and Beth Ellerbrock, Clayton, Ill.
Fullblood/purebred bucks
Grand champion fullblood buck: Charles and Eva Rainwater, Wappapello, Mo.
Championship challenge winner: Cecil and Cathy Thigpen, Smyrna, Tenn.
Grand champion boar: David Gholson, Jackson; reserve champion board: Sara Gholson, Jackson; grand champion sow: David Gholson, Jackson; reserve grand champion sow: David Gholson, Jackson.
Commercial gilts
Grand champion gilt: David Gholson, Jackson; reserve grand champion gilt: Curtis Eftink, Bloomfield, Mo.
Breed/Crossbred barrow show
First place purebred barrow: David Gholson, Jackson; first place crossbred barrow: Mallory James, Leopold, Mo.
Barrow carcass show
Heavyweight first place on-foot: Gerald Shinn, Jackson; heavyweight first place real-time: Mallory James, Leopold, Mo.; lightweight first place on-foot: Josh Walther, Jackson; lightweight first place real-time: Andrew Weiss, Jackson.
Champion miniature mule: Chris McGrath, Butler, Mo.; reserve champion miniature mule: Tom Lysinger, Holden, Mo.
Jacks & Jennets
Champion Jack: Scott Ury, Anna, Ill.; reserve champion Jack: Scott Ury, Anna, Ill.; champion Jennet: Scott Ury, Anna, Ill.; reserve champion Jennet: Scott Ury, Anna, Ill.
Draft mules
Champion horse mule: Charles Garner, Morley, Mo.; champion mare mule: Jerry Brown, Dexter, Mo.; reserve champion mare mule: Dale Moreland, Dexter, Mo.; champion pair of mules: Jerry Brown, Dexter, Mo.
Draft horses
Champion stallion: Charles Mangels, Oak Ridge; reserve champion stallion: Charles Mangels, Oak Ridge; champion mare: Weston Mangels, Jackson; reserve champion mare: Weston Mangels, Jackson; champion gelding: Ben Meier, Jackson; reserve champion gelding: Ben Meier, Jackson.
Draft ponies
Champion stallion: Steve Mangels, Oak Ridge; Reserve champion stallion, Darla Mangels, Jackson; champion mare: Steve Mangels, Oak Ridge; reserve champion mare, Darla Mangels, Jackson; champion gelding: Darla Mangels, Jackson; reserve champion gelding: Tom Lysinger, Holden, Mo.
Family & Community Education Association Clubs Booths
Best of show: Town & Country
Fine arts
Best of show: Carrie Perez, Cape Girardeau.
Crafts & Hobbies
Best of show - Bob Stearns, Jackson.
FFA Beef
Grand champion heifer: Brent Versemann, Perryville, Mo.; reserve grand champion heifer: Brent Versemann, Perryville, Mo.; grand champion bull: Todd Aufdenberg, Jackson; reserved grand champion bull: Kirk Scott, Bloomfield, Mo.
Grand champion heifer: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.; reserve grand champion heifer: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo. Simmental
Grand champion heifer: DeAnna Carter, Ste. Genevieve, Mo.
Grand champion heifer: Dustin Myers, Farmington, Mo.; reserve grand champion heifer: Dustin Myers, Farmington, Mo.; grand champion bull: Dustin Myers, Farmington, Mo.
Grand champion heifer: Kent Kranawetter, Jackson; reserve grand champion heifer: Richard Jaco, Millersville.
FFA steers
Grand champion FFA steer: Cody Abernathy, Gordonville; reserve grand champion FFA steer: Brent Versamann, Perryville, Mo.
FFA beef showmanship: Brent Versemann, Perryville, Mo.
FFA Dair
Brown Swiss
Grand champion: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Mo.; reserve grand champion, Suzanne Voelker, Perryville, Mo.
FFA dairy showmanship: Katie Voelker, Perryville, Mo.
FFA sheep
Grand champion ram: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.; reserve grand champion ram: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.; grand champion ewe: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.; reserve grand champion ewe: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.; grand champion market lamb: Charlie Meier, Jackson; reserve grand champion market lamb: Charlie Meier, Jackson.
FFA sheep showmanship: Tracy Sample, Annapolis, Mo.
FFA Swine
Chester White
Grand champion boar: David Gholson, Jackson; reserve grand champion board: David Gholson, Jackson.
Grand champion gilt: Curtis Eftink, Bloomfield, Mo.; reserve grand champion gilt: David Gholson, Jackson.
Grand champion barrow: Curtis Jones, Cardwell, Mo.; reserve grand champion barrow: Daniel Figgins, Cardwell, Mo.
FFA swine showmanship: Curtis Jones, Cardwell, Mo.
Ag mechanics
Grand champion: Joey Holt, Farmington, Mo.; reserve grand champion: Michale Beck, Fredericktown, Mo.
4-H/FFA public speaking
First place: Ashley Mayo, Advance, Mo.; second place: Laura Mooney, Fredericktown, Mo.
4-H beef
Champion female: Logan Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; reserve champion female: Logan Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; champion bull: Bridget Welker, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers; reserve champion bull: Ryan Pohlman, Cape Girardeau County, Arnsberg.
Polled Hereford
Champion female: Whitney Welker, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers; reserved champion female: Kory Mouser, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers; champion bull: Whitney Welker, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers.
Champion female: Hunter Rubel, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans; reserve champion female: Katee Moore, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Bevers.
Champion female: Michaela Haley, Bollinger County,Young Americans; reserve champion female: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett; champion bull: Michaela Haley, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers.
Champion female: Collin Schabbing, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; reserve champion female: Collin Schabbing, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; champion bull: Tanner Schabbing, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
Murray Grey
Champion female: Jacob Bangert, Wayne County, Traditional.
Champion female: Bridget Welker, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers; reserve champion female: Bridget Welker, Bollinger County, Cheerful Worekrs.
4-H steers
Class I steer
Champion: Elizabeth Otte, Ste. Genevieve County, Beef; reserve champion: Rachel Birk, Scott County, Scott County.
Class II steer
Champion: Clay Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; reserve champion: Brandon Pleimann, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland.
Class III steer
Champion: Hunter Rubel, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans; reserve champion: Logan Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
Class IV steer
Champion: Ryan Pohlman, Cape Girardeau County, Arnsberg; reserve champion: Adam Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
Grand champion 4-H steer: Clay Birk, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
Reserve grand champion 4-H steer: Hunter Rubel, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
4-H swine showmanship
14 and older
First place: Jill Walther, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland; second place: Tara Propst, Cape Girardeau County, Gordonville.
Under 14
First place: Kelly Jahn, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; second place: Zachary Essner, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers.
4-H sheep
Lightweight market lambs
Champion: Anna Eftink, Stoddard County, Crowley's Ridge; reserve champion: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett.
Heavyweight market lambs
Champion: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett; reserve champion: Jonathan Eftink, Stoddard County, Crowley's Ridge.
Grand champion market lamb: Anna Eftink, Stoddard County, Crowley's Ridge.
Reserve grand champion market lamb: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett.
Crossbred ewe
Champion: Gabe Mier, Madison County, Jewett.
Hampsire ewe
Champion: Gabe Mier, Madison County, Jewett.
Champion Ram: Clayton Kranawetter, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland; champion ewe: Clayton Kranawetter, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland; reserve champion ewe: Clayton Kranawetter, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland.
Champion ewe: Nathan Miller, Madison County, Jewett.
Champion ram: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett; champion ewe: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett; reserve champion ewe: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett.
4-H sheep showmanship
14 and older: Gabe Mier, Madison County, Jewett.
Under 14: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett.
4-H goats
Meat goats
Champion buck: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve champion buck: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; champion doe: Kyle Best, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve champion doe: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive .
Dairy goats
Champion milk goat doe: Justin Tuschhoff, Cape Girardeau County, Cape Wildhorse Rodeo; reserve champion milk goat doe: Lindsey Whitmer, Bollinger County, ABC.
4-H goat showmanship: Kyle Best, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
4-H Dairy
Brown Swiss
Junior champion: Grand Voelker, Perry County, Sereno ; champion: Grant Voelker, Perry County, Sereno; Grant Voelker, Perry County, Sereno.
Junior champion: Kyle Hemmann, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas; champion: Kyle Kemmann, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas; reserve champion: Kyle Hemmann, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas.
Junior champion: Tricia Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans ; champion: Tyler Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans; reserve champion: Tyler Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
Milking shorthorns
Junior champion: Corvin Schoen, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas; Corvin Schoen, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas; reserve champion: Corvin Schoen, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas.
4-H dairy showmanship
14 and under: Kyle Hemmann, Cape Girardeau County, Pocahontas; under 14: Tricia Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
4-H Bucket Calf
Grand champion: Chase Asmus, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers; reserve grand champion: Gavin Seyer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
4-H bucket Class Showmanship
Gavin Seyer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
4-H Rabbit
Champion doe: Eleanor Hasanbeck, Madison County, Jewett; reserve champion doe: Kathy Scienski, Cape Girardeau, Young Americans; champion buck: Tara Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau, Tilsit; reserve champion buck: Tara Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit; champion meat pen: Gary Schweer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americnas; reserve champion meat pen: Morgan Mueller, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Grand champion: Eleanor Hasanbeck, Madison County, Jewett; reserve grand champion: Tara Kirchdoerfer, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
4-H poultry
Grand champion: Ashley Stahlman, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve champion: Kyle Best, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
Grand champion: Charlie Meier, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve grand champion: Kelly Jahn, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
Champion: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve champion: Scott Jahn, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
Champion: Scott Jahn, Cape Girardeau, Progressive; reserve champion: Kelly Jahn, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
Champion: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserved champion: Gretchen Hahs, Bollinger County, ABC.
Champion: Eli Sample, Madison County, Jewett
Grand champion poultry: Ashley Stahlman, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve grand champion poultry: Adam Brown, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
4-H Best of Show
Arts & Crafts: Kaytlynn Westin, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers.
Breads, food nutrition, food preservation: Matthew Stueve, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Cake decorating: Julie Hahs, Bollinger County, Cheerful Workers.
Clothing & textiles: Julia Weber, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
Computers: Jarod Koenig, Perry County, Sereno.
Crops: Kim Miesner, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Electricity, small engines, welding: Devon Beard, Cape Girardeau County, Wild Horse Rodeo.
Entomology: Kim Miesner, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Gardening: Jason Heartling, Perry County, Farrar Harthorne.
Home environment: Matthew Stueve, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Knitting & creative crochet: Barbara Kammler, Perry County, Friendly Valley.
Miscellaneous projects: Dustin Oehl, Cape Girardeau County, Arnsberg.
Photography: Taylor Krauss, Perry County, Busy Bees.
Woodworking small item: Claire Illers, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
Woodworking large item: Clint Heuer, Cape Girardeau County, Young Americans.
Other 4-H project: Kim Miesner, Perry County, Farrar Hawthorne.
Beef individual hersman award: Brandon Pleimann, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland.
4-H beef showmanship
14 and older: Ryan Pohlman, Cape Girardeau County, Arnsberg; under 14: Brandon Pleimann, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland.
4-H draft horses, draft mules and draft pony show
Draft horses
Champion animal: Charlie Meier, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive; reserve champion animal: Charlie Meier, Cape Girardeau County, Progressive.
Draft pony
Champion animal: Reece Mangels, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers.
Draft mule
Champion animal: Kenneth Moreland, Stoddard County, Rodeo.
Grand champion 4-H draft animal: Reece Mangels, Scott County, new Hamburg Eager Beavers; reserve granc champion 4-H draft animal: Keneth Moreland, Stoddard County, Rodeo.
Craft horse/draft pony & mule showmanship: Kirstie Mangels, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers.
4-H horse show
Under 14: Leslie Birk, Gordonville.
4-H swine
Class I swine barrows
Champion: Josh Walther, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland; reserve champion: Zachary Essner, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers.
Class 2 swine barrows
Champion: Jonathan Eftink, Stoddard County, Crowley's Ridge; reserve champion: Mallory James, Bollinger County, Leopold.
Class 3 swine barrows
Champion: Zachary Essner, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers; reserve champion: Kelsey Heisserer, Scott County, New Hamburg Eager Beavers.
Class 4 swine barrows
Champion: Josh Walther, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland; reserve champion: Mallory James, Bollinger County, Leopold.
Grand champion barrow: Josh Walther, Cape Girardeau County, Fruitland.
Reserve grand champion barrow: Malloy James, Bollinger County, Leopold.
Judging barrow carcass show
14 and over: Stacey Seabaugh, Bollinger County, Leopold: under 14: Anthony Seabaugh, Bollinger County, Leopold.
Judging steer carcass show
Under 14: Morgan Bangert, Cape Girardeau County, Tilsit.
Steer average daily gain
14 and over: Chad Aldridge St. Francois County, Warrior of the light; under 14: Danielle Daume, Cape Girardeau County, Cape Wild Horse Rodeo.
Dress-up contest
Poultry and pigeons
First place: Adam Brown, Jackson; second place: Aaron Brown, Jackson.
Rabbits and guinea pigs
First place: Olivia Brown, Jackson; second place: Paige Kain, Jackson; third place: Rebecca Ray, Cape Girardeau.
Rooster crowing conest
First place: Kyle Best, Gordonville; second place: Abby Weiss, Jackson; third place: Jeffery Ervin, Daisy.
Decorate a bale contest
First place: Anthony Strack, Cape Girardeau; second place: Belinda Strack, Cape Girardeau.
Senior fiddler contest
First place: Leisl Schoenberger, Cape Girardeau; second place: John Heizer, Jackson.
Junior fiddler contest
First place: Kyle Gihaus, 15, Cape Girardeau; second place: Janna trautwein, 14, Cape Girardeau; third place: Nathan Fridley, 10, Cape Girardeau.
Youth fiddler contest
First place: Jennifer Beal, 7, Advance, Mo.; second place Penny Robinson, 8, Cape Girardeau.
Smile contest
First place: Brayden Robert Aufdenberg, Cape Girardeau.
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