Parents are asked to please teach their elementary student where they will be going after school, name and address of parents or the daycare center or sitter is absolutely necessary in seeing that these younger students get on the right bus after school. It is very helpful to the teachers for this information to be sent to school with your child on the first day.
Bus # 1 Green Circle, Ray Propst
Route begins at residence at 6:45, south on county road #351 and return, west on #350 and return to Hwy 72, west on 72 to #352 and return, west on 72, turn around, return to Millersville at 7:35, receive transfers from Bus #34, Marandia Welker, then to schools in Jackson making one stop on highway 72 at Seabaugh Acres.
Bus # 2 Blue Heart, Esther Cook Leave residence on hwy 34 at 6:35, northwest on #370, turn around at Estes residence, cross 34 on Rt. U, west on #371, turn around, back to south on Rt. U, west on #381, north on #383, cross Rt. U to east on 380, north on #379, west on Rt.OO, south on Helderman road and return to Rt. OO, north to Burfordville, east on highway 34, north on #349 to Millersville, return to Burfordville with 5th and 6th graders. Meet Bus #22, Bobbie Venable, for transfer of students to Jackson, this route is reversed in PM.
Bus # 3 Brown Star, Clayton Kinsey Leave home on county road #206 at 6:40, west on #203 to south on highway 25, west on county road #226 to #227 to Route A, on A west to #231, turn around, east to Rt. A to highway 25, north on 25, west on Z to Gordonville School, then to Jackson right on 61 at intersection, left on Gerald Street, Picking up on Gerald, left on Rosamund, stop at Gingerbread Daycare Center and to schools.
Bus # 4 White Circle, Judy Kraemer Leave bus garage at 6:45, east on Bainbridge to overpass, south on outer road, east on #620 picking up first student at 7:00 at Lamplighter Trailor Court, north on Rt. W, making all stops (EXCEPT Rt. W Trailor Court, Niswongers and Roberts, these stops see Bus #40, Cindy Frericks) left on #616, right on outer road, right on #614, north on Rt. W, west on Rt. Y to highway 61 to Rt. D and to schools.
Bus # 5 Red Square, Connie Thompson Leave residence in Pocahontas, east on County road #532, south on #543, turn around, return east on #532, around NewBethel Church to Erlbachers, return to church, east on #525, south on #553 (not picking up on #553) west on #544, south on #543, west on 177, south on Rt. W to North Elementary, to off load, south on highway 61 stopping at subdivision across from Rt. Y and Evans residence, Left on Brookview, left on Shawn, left on Goodson, right on Brookview, back to 61, west on Rt. D and to schools.
Bus # 6 Brown Circle, Sonya Watkins Route begins at 6:50 on county road #607, return to 177, west picking up students on 177 to #605 ONLY, south on #605 picking on #605, return to 177, south on #603 to Rt. Y, west on Rt. Y, north on Rt. W picking up all students on Rt. W to North Elementary, after off loading students at North Elementary, go southeast on Rt. W, east on #601, picking up all students to highway 61, to schools in town.
Bus # 8 Green Star, Butch Schneider Route begins at Dyes on county road #436, turn around, return to north on #439 to #438 and return, east on FF, south on #436 to Ludwigs, return to east on FF picking up ALL students to highway 61, then to North Elementary to meet Bus #9, Joe Ludwig for transfer of students for schools in Jackson, south on highway 61, west on Rte. D, making one stop at Barks Trailor Court and on to schools.
Bus # 9 Green Triangle, Joe Ludwig Leave residence at 6:50 on #436, pickup on #434, east on #436 to south on outer road to FF, north on east outer road to #533, south on 61 picking up across from Whispering Heights, east on #541, turn around, return to south on 61 to Cut-Mart Trailor Court, north on 61, east on 177 to North Elementary to offload and meet Bus # 8, Butch Schneider for transfer of students for schools in Jackson.
Bus #10 Brown Heart, Ken Mirly Leave residence at 7:00, north on Rt. C, west on #513 to #512, Gihrings, return to #512, west on #516 to New Wells, west on Rt. C past Shawneetown to highway 61, south on 61 to Route E picking up Ruott children and return south on 61, picking up along 61 to Rt. C. Meet Bus #28, Earl Cook at North Elementary for transfer of students to Jackson schools.
Bus # 19 White Square, Carolyn Stearns Route begins at 7:00 on county road #468, east on #468 southon #465, east on #450, return to south on #465 to highway 72, picking up and meeting bus # 33 in Lakeview Acres, west on 72 picking up all students for Millersville/Burfordville schools. This route is reversed in PM.
Bus # 20 Yellow Triangle, W. L. Voges Leave bus garage at 7:00, south on Rt. PP, right on #324, left on #323, right on #327, left on Z to Gordonville, left on #325 (road behind Jackson Implement) right on highway 25, right on Z to Gordonville school, return North on 25 picking up all students living on highway 25 for schools in Jackson. This route is reversed in PM.
Bus # 21 Red Heart, Sarah Turnbow Leave bus garage at 7:00, east on highway 61, right on outer road, south on #316, south on #319, east on Rt. K to Hillcrest Manor, west on Rt. K, south on #201 cross highway 25, on Rt. Z to Gordonville Schools.
Bus # 22 Red Triangle, Bobbie Venable Leave bus garage at 6:40, route begins on county road #349 to highway 34, south on #361, #362, #363 and return to highway 34 picking up from Gravel Hill to the Bollinger County line. Return on 34 to Burfordville, meet bus #2, Esther Cook for transfer of students, unload grades 1-6 for Burfordville/Millersville schools, east on 34 to highway 72 and to schools in Jackson.
Bus # 25 Brown Square, Merlin Williams Route begins on #435, Harmony Lane, at 7:00, on #435 to FF, south on outer road, south on 61 picking up students on 61, (except Tavvy Lane subdivision across from Rt. Y, and Evans residence, see Bus #5 Connie Thompson) east on Rt. Y, south on Greens Ferry Road #301, pick up on Greens Ferry to #302, Cloverhill Road, west on Francis Drive, (not picking up, see Bus # 5 for Sunset Hills) to south on 61, north on Rt. D, left on Strawberry Lane, right on Connie, right Pecan, left on Connie, left on Nell Green, left on Strawberry, left on Rt. D to schools.
Bus # 27 Red Diamond, Wade Hoffman Route begins on CC at 6:45 to New Wells Church, south on Rt. C, west on #522 approx. 1 mile, return, cross Rt. C on #522 to Bruhls, turn around, return to south on C to Pocahontas, west on #530, Main St., south on Jackson St. picking up to Rt. C., south on Rt. C, west on #542 to highway 61, picking up on 61 from Rt. C to Whispering Heights, through that subdivision then to North Elementary to offload and transfer students to # 5 Connie Thompson for schools in Jackson.
Bus # 28 Yellow Circle, Earl Cook Leave residence on #553 picking up all students on #553 to #525, east on #525 to north on #535 (U.S.Hill) and return to #525, through Neelys Landing to 177 picking up on 177 to #553, including Bella Vista, north on #553, west on #550, south on #549, west on 177 picking up all students on 177 to North Elementary, receive students from Bus # 10 Ken Mirly then to schools in Jackson.
Bus # 29 White Star, Jane Oehl Leave residence at 6:40, east on Route D, north on #442 picking up first student at 6:50, North on #444 to Rt. D, right on Rt. D, left on #453, right on #454, left on #457, left on #458, right on #459 to Haupts, return to right on #460 to Rt. D, right on Broadridge, stopping at Ms. Dales Home Sweet Home Daycare, left on Orchard, stopping on Orchard at East Lane, then to schools.
Bus # 30 Blk. Triangle, Stephen Golden Route begins at 6:50 on UU at Haynes Chapel, north approximately 1 1/2 miles on #354, return to west on UU to county line, turn around, back to picking up on highway 34, north on 347 just west of Byrd Creek about 1 mile, return to east on 34, south on #343, return to east on 34, south on #341, east on 34, right on 328, Country Lane, south on #335 about 1 mile, return to east on #328 to 34/72, right on WestVale, right on Toll Road right on West Lane, cross 34/72 to schools.
Bus # 32 Black Circle, Alice Ahrens Leave residence on #373 at 6:55, east on OO, north 0 on Rt. F, east on #340, north on #342 approx. 1 mile, return to west on #366, north on F, south on #367, west on #366, south on #365 approx. 2 miles and return west on #364 to Crouchs', return north and east on #361 to north on #343 approx. 1 mile,return to east on #335 to Voges residence, return east on #330 to north on Rt. PP, picking up on PP from #330 to 34/72 highways. West on 34, left on West Brook, circle subdivision return to west on 34/72 making stops along highway to WestVale St. then to schools.
Bus # 33 Blue Circle, Wayne Kistner Route begins at 7:00 on #481 at McWilliams on #481, turn around at Godwins and return through Millersville, right on #482 to highway 72, east on 72, south and east on #346, west on 72 to Rt. B to Millersville School. East on 72 to Lakeview Acres meet Bus #19, Carolyn Stearns for transfer of students #19 back to Millersville school and #33 to Jackson stopping along 72 to Country Lane #328, then to schools.
Bus # 34 Brown Triangle, Marandia Welker Leave residence on Rt. BB at 6:50, left off BB to #483 picking up first student at 6:55, return to east on BB, north on #471 approximately 2 miles, return to Rt. BB, north on #475 approximately 2 miles, return to east on BB to Rt. B to Millersville School, meet Bus # 1, Ray Propst for transfer of students to Jackson.
Bus # 35 Green Diamond, Janet Brase Route begins at 7:00 on county road #318, east on #314, north on #313 to Crystal Springs on outer road to highway 61, right on 61, left on Greenway (between banks) to Tendercare Daycare Center, around to left on 61, right on Shawnee, left on Old Cape Road to Noahs Ark Daycare Center and to schools not picking up on Old Cape Road.
Bus # 37 Blue Diamond, Herb Lichtenegger Leave bus garage at 7:00, south on hwy 25, east on #316 to Oak Grove School, south on #318 to Rt. K, east on Rt. K to Parkwood Lake Estates picking up all students in Parkwood, west on Rt. K to Hillcrest Manor, picking up students for Gordonville School, west on Rt. K to Gordonville, offload at school, return north on 25 to Grandview Acres, circling subdivision then to schools in Jackson.
Bus # 38 Black Diamond, Joan Cleaver Leave residence on Rt. Z at 6:40, west past Poplar Ridge school to Gilders on Rt. F, turn around, left on #376 to Denekes, turn around, left on #375, right on OO, right on F, left on Z right on #233 to Denekes, turn around, return to Z, right on #231, left on #222 to Rt. Z, east on Z to Gordonville schools, then to Jackson, right on 34/72, one stop at Kidde Kollege Daycare Center at Dallas and 34/72 and to schools.
Bus #40 Purple Circle, Cindy Frericks Leave bus garage at 6:45, route begins on Rt. Y to right on Oriole Road, #621, picking up on #621 to Rt. W, on Rt. W to Trailor Court, Roberts and Niswongers, left on #618 making all stops on Bainbridge to Donna St. then to schools.
Buses will stop at street corners wherever possible.
Bus # 7 Black Square, Barbara Martin Route begins on Kimble Lane, left on Country Club Place, right on Kimbleland Drive, left on Greenway, right on highway 61 E, picking up along 61, cross divided 61, stop at Wrights in PM, pick up students on north side of 61, right on Old Cape Road making all stops, left on Donna, right on Otto, left on Old Cape, right on Otto, left on Donna, left on Bainbridge, picking up on Bainbridge from Donna to Old Cape Road, right on Old Cape Road picking up to Shawnee and to schools.
Bus # 11 Orange Circle, John Buehler Route begins on Odus St. at Litz Park at 7:00, left on August, right on Emma, left on Eastview, Right on Nellie, right on Maryland, left on Emma, right on Georgia, left on Greens Ferry, left on Hope to Mary, stop loading and to schools. This bus will not load or unload students at the corner of Hope and Greens Ferry Road, students will meet bus at corner of Ohio and Greens Ferry and just south of Ladreiters on Hope St.
Bus # 15 Blue Square, Jackie Strack Route starts at 7:10 on Madison at High St. right on High, left on Monroe, left on Ohio, left on Madison, right on High, left on Jefferson, right on Missouri, right on Adams, left on Maryland, left on Main, right on Georgia, left on Washington, right on Ohio, right on Kate, left on Maryland, left on Florence, left on Hope then to schools.
Bus # 16 Black Star, Carol Woods Route starts on Morton at N. Neal, right on Wayne, left on Woodland, left on Plainview, right on Morton, right on Donald, left on Woodland, left on Shawnee, picking up from Main St. to Mulberry only on Shawnee, right on Mulbery, right on Sycamore, right on Cedar, left on Mulberry, left on Shawnee to Main and to schools.
Bus # 17 Yellow Square, Charla Myers Route begins on High St. at Park at 7:00, west on Park, left on Russell, left on Mary, right on Missouri, right on Washington, right on Russell, left on Cherry, right on Russell, left on Mary, right on N. Union to Randy, left on Randy, left on Morgan, right on Brown, right on Farmington, left on Dorothy, right on Alvin, Cecile, left on Farmington to Rt. D and stop loading, west on D to schools.
Bus # 18 Green Square, Dorcie Williams Route starts at Cloverhill Trailor Court at 7:00, return to left on Greens Ferry (picking up all student on Greens Ferry from Cloverhille Hill road #232 to Maryland St.) right on Olive, left on Forest, right on Independence, turn around at Parks residence, right on Greens Ferry, stop loading at Maryland St., then to schools.
Bus # 24 Red Circle, Joan Evans Route begins on Oakhill at 7:00 in Old McKendree Hills subdivision, left on Ridge Road, right on Ladewoods, right on Litz Blvd. turn around, back to Ridge Road, picking up to Mulberry right on Main not picking up on Main St., on to schools.
Bus # 26 Orange Triangle, Zelda Parker Route begins on W. Monroe, beside bus garage, at 7:00, right on Oklahoma, right on 34/72, right on S. Union, left on Dallas, left on Daisy, right on 34/72, right on Adams, left on Bast, right on Washington, right on Farmington, left on W. Main, right on Daisy, left on Adams, left on Union, left on Luetje, left on Elm, right on Oak, left on Morgan, right onWashington, right on Farmington, left on Oak, right on Henderson, left on Priest, left on Elmwood, right on Main, right on Elwanda, left on Oak, left on Rolling Fields to East Lane, stop loading and to schools.
Bus # 31 White Triangle, Larry Ahrens Route starts at 7:10 on Michael-Anna, right on Corinne, right on Old Cape Road, left on Shawnee, left on Bel-Air, right onLyndhurst, Anna, Crestwood and Bel-Air, left on Lamar, right on Kies, left on Adams, left on Neal, right on Jeffeson, right on Bellevue, left on Main, stop loading and to schools.
Bus # 35 Green Diamond, Janet Brase Routes begins at 7:00 on county road #318, east on #314, north on #313 to Crystal Springs on outer road to 61 E, right on 61, left on Greenway (between banks) to Tendercare Daycare Center, around to 61, right on Shawnee, left on Old Cape Road to Noahs Ark, stop loading, to schools.
Bus # 36 Larry Woods Route starts at 7:00 on Old Cape Road at Georgia, making all stops on Old Cape Road to Shawnee, (except Noahs Ark Daycare, see bus #35, Janet Brase) left on Shawnee picking up to Main St. left on Main, picking up all students to Bellevue and to schools.
Bus # 41 Purple Square, Charlie Ahrens Route begins on Kent Street at 7:00, right on Berchman, left on Highland right on Royal, left on Crow, left on Pawnee, right on Highland, right on Cherokee, right on Apache, left on Crow, left on Royal, right on Shady Lane, left on Jackson Trail to highway 25, stop loading, to schools.
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