- Motion authorizing the city staff to prepare an application on behalf of the City of Jackson, requesting a special-use permit for a temporary mobile office unit and sleeping quarters in a C-3 (central business) District at Fire Station No. 1 at 525 S. Hope St.
- Motion accepting the quote of Axon Enterprise Inc. of Scottsdale, Arizona, in the amount of $26,702.62 per year for five years, and authorizing the purchase of equipment and services to provide body-worn cameras for the police department.
- Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Axon Enterprise Inc., relative to the purchase of equipment and services to provide body-worn cameras for the police department.
- Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign depository agreements with Commerce Bank, First Midwest Bank, First Missouri State Bank, The Bank of Missouri, US Bank and Wood & Huston Bank.
Street, sewer and cemetery committee
- Motion approving an addendum to the contractual agreement with Houseal Lavigne Associates LLC of Chicago, relative to a time extension for the 2022 Jackson Comprehensive Plan Update.
- Motion approving the Preliminary Plat of Old Orchard Town Homes Subdivision, as submitted by Fruitland Investments LLC and Lydon Properties LLC.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving the Final Plat of Good Day Farm Subdivision, as submitted by Jackson Boulevard Holdings LLC.
- Motion accepting the bid of Fronabarger Concreters Inc. of Oak Ridge in the amount of $154,778.50, relative to the Civic Center Pavilion & Playground Grading and Site Work Project.
- Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Fronabarger Concreters Inc. relative to the Civic Center Pavilion & Playground Grading and Site Work Project.
Information items
- Report by mayor
- Reports by board members
- Report by city attorney
- Report by city administrator
- Discussion of future agenda items
Study session
1) Request to waive the required distance from a church for the sale of intoxicating liquor at 121 W. Main St.
2) Net metering -annual report
3) Upgrade to the City Water Depot
4) Discussion of previously tabled items (unspecified)
5) Additional items (unspecified)