- Motion approving an Addendum to the Contract Agreement with C.P.U., Inc., of Cape Girardeau, relative to a time extension for the Network Server and Related Services Project.
- Motion accepting the proposal of Premium Mechanical and Automation, Inc., of Jackson, Missouri, relative to providing services under the City Hall Facility Maintenance Program.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Premium Mechanical and Automation, Inc., relative to the City Hall Facility Maintenance Program.
- Motion accepting the proposal from GWorks, LLC, of Omaha, Nebraska, relative to providing products and services under the Software Upgrade Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with GWorks, LLC, relative to providing products and services under the Software Upgrade Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Cape Girardeau, relative to the Aerial Photography Project
Street, sewer and cemetery committee
- Motion setting a public hearing for Monday, March 18, 2024, at 6 p.m., relative to a Special Use Permit request for a temporary mobile office unit and sleepingquartersin a C-3 (Central Business) District at Fire Station No. 1, located at 525 South Hope Street, as submitted by the city of Jackson.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing an Annexation Agreement with Trussworks Realty Missouri, LLC, relative to the development of Stroder's Industrial Park Subdivision.
- Resolution accepting a voluntary annexation petition for 12 acres of property located in Stroder's Industrial Park Subdivision, and setting a public hearing for Monday, March 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., as submitted by Trussworks Realty Missouri, LLC.
- Motion setting a public hearing for Tuesday, March 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., relative to the rezoning of Stroder's Industrial Park Subdivision from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District and R-2 (Single-Family Residential) District to C-2 (General Commercial) District, as submitted by Trussworks Realty Missouri, LLC.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving an amendment to Chapter 3 (Administration) of City Code, relative to purchasing procedure.
Information items
- Report by mayor
- Reports by board members
- Report by city attorney
- Report by city administrator
- Discussion of future agenda items
Study session
1) February 7th Planning & Zoning Commission report
2) February 12th Park Board report
3) Electrical Transmission and Distribution Line Tree Trimming and Vegetation Control Program --bid tabulation
4) Deerwood Drive Roundabout Center Island Enhancements
5) Discussion of previously tabled items (unspecified)
6) Additional items (unspecified