- Motion approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $2,503.50, to SAK Construction, LLC, of O'Fallon, Missouri, relative to the 2022 Sanitary Sewer Lining Program.
- Motion approving Task Order Authorization No. 23-02, in the amount of $6,000.00, to Blakely and Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., of Chillicothe, Missouri, relative to providing engineering services under the Instrumentation and Integration Design Work at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Motion approving Task Order Authorization No. 23-03, in the amount of $34,800.00, to Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc., of Cape Girardeau, relative to providing engineering design phase services under the Sunset Drive Bridge Replacement Project.
- Motion accepting the proposal of ArcaSearch Missouri LLC, of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, in the amount of $34,787.00, relative to providing services under the City Archive Preservation Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractualagreement with ArcaSearch Missouri LLC, relative to the City Archive Preservation Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance extending the length of a Special Use Permit for two oversized 75 sq. ft. attached signs at 2502 East Jackson Boulevard, as submitted by Aldi, Inc., to commence construction by July 31, 2023 and to complete construction by February 6, 2025.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance accepting the dedication of a Sanitary Sewer Easement Deed from The Jerry J. and Linda K. Jansen Revocable Trust Dated October 16, 2018, relative to the South Old Orchard Road Lateral Sewer Project.
Non-agenda citizen input
Information items
- Report by Mayor
- Reports by Board Members
- Report by City Attorney
- Report by City Administrator
- Discussion of future agenda items
Executive session
Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items in study session
1) Groundwater Analysis for Mulberry Street and Rolling Fields Drive
2) Annual update on the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit
3) Renovations to the Missouri Room for Municipal Court --engineering services proposal
4) Designation of a Purple Heart City
5) Previously tabled items (unspecified)
6) Additional items (unspecified