Street, Sewer and Cemetery Committee
- Consider a motion authorizing the city staff to prepare an application on behalf of the city of Jackson, for the Comprehensive Rezoning of Certain Properties in the 2500 -- 2800 blocks of East Jackson Boulevard, the 2500 -- 2700 blocks of Hilltop Drive, and the 1300 and 2800 block of Clover Drive
- Consider a motion approving change order No. 1 (Final Quantities), in the amount of $2,638.00, to SAK Construction, LLC, of O'Fallon, Missouri, relative to the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Lining Program
- Consider a motion approving change order No. 2, in the amount of $273,400.00, to Jokerst, Inc., of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, relative to the Williams Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Phase 1
- Consider a motion approving an increase in expenditures, in the amount of $7,820.00, under Task Order Authorization No. 16-06, to Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc., of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, relative to providing engineering services related to emergency bank stabilization, under the Williams Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Phase 1
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance rejecting the dedication of a Quit Claim Deed by Nabors Construction, LLC, for the right-of-way of a non-city street named Oak Creek Drive
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance designating the street name of Old Bethel Lane
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance designating the street name of Wanda Lee Way
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving the Final Plat of Pioneer Orchard Ninth Subdivision, as submitted by The Villas of West Park, LLC
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending the "Stop Street Schedule -- Schedule VI", by deleting and adding designations on Cortland Drive, Jona Gold Court, Old Bethel Lane, Old Cape Road East, Spartan Drive, Wanda Lee Way, and Wedekind Street
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending the "Parking Prohibited At All Times Schedule -- Schedule IX", by adding a designation on Cortland Drive, Jona Gold Court, and Wanda Lee Way
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending the "Yield Right-Of-Way Schedule -- Schedule VIII", by deleting and adding designations on Wanda Lee Way and Wedekind Street
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending the "Restricted Turn Schedule -- Schedule IV", by adding a designation on Wanda Lee Way
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending Chapter 39 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to establishing a truck route on Wanda Lee Way
Information items
- Reports by mayor
- Reports by council members
- Reports by city attorney
- Reports by city administrator
- Discussion of future items
Executive session
- Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items
1) Request to vacate a public alley in Weltecke's Addition
2) Employee medical insurance proposal -- Mr. Todd Obergoenner/Swinford & Asso-ciates, Inc.
3) West Mary Street Low Water Crossing Replacement Project -- revised engineering services proposal including sidewalk connections
4) Water tower facility lease agreement with the County of Cape Girardeau
5) Electronic waste recycling agreement -- services proposal
6) Discussion of previously tabled items
7) Additional items - not specified