- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property at 3203 Bloomfield Road, 440 South Mount Auburn Road, 614 Northview Drive, and a portion of the vacated Northview Drive right-of-way from R-1 (Single-Family Suburban Residential District) to C-2 (Highway Commercial District). (Item No. 17; BILL NO. 21-140)
- A Public Hearing to consider vacating the City's interest in a portion of Giboney Avenue right of way, in the city of Cape Girardeau. (Item No. 19; BILL NO. 21-172)
Appearances regarding items listed on agenda
- Individuals who wish to make comments regarding items listed on the agenda must first be recognized by the mayor or mayor pro tem.
Consent agenda
- 3. Approval of the August 16, City Council regular session minutes and closed session minutes, and the August 30, City Council special session minutes.
- Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to State Block Grant Agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission, to fund the completion of a Master Drainage Study at the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport. Second and Third Readings.
- Ordinance accepting a Permanent Utility Easement from Patricia Lee Popp, for a portion of the vacated Northview Drive, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Second and Third Readings.
- Ordinance vacating the City's interest in existing alleys, easement, and right-ofway between North Main Street and North Spanish Street, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Second and Third Readings.
- Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & Testing, Inc., for Pedestrian Improvements at US 61/Kingshighway, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Reading and passage.
- Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Zahner and Associates, Inc., for surveying services associated with the Transportation Trust Fund 6 Projects, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Reading and Passage.
- Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., for Sewer System Improvement Projects, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Reading and Passage.
- Resolution of support for the proposal from MACO Development Company, L.L.C., for the Heritage Manor Apartments housing development, in the city of Cape Girardeau. Reading and Passage.
- Approval of the transfer of ownership of the special use permit for 1224 Linden Street.
- Accept improvements and authorize Final Payment to Nip Kelley Equipment Company, Inc., for the Concrete Street Repair 2020 Project, in the city of Cape Girardeau.
New ordinances
- Ordinance approving the record plat of Cape West Crossing East First Subdivision. First reading.
- Ordinance approving the record plat of J.E. Burton Subdivision. First reading.
- Ordinance approving the record plat of River's Edge Subdivision. First reading.
- Ordinance appropriating the expenditure of American Rescue Plan funds related to Public Safety Professional Services, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, in the city of Cape Girardeau. First reading.
- Ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the Code of Ordinances of the city of Cape Girardeau, by changing the zoning of property located at 3203 Bloomfield Road, 440 South Mount Auburn Road, 614 Northview Drive, and a portion of the vacated Northview Drive right-of-way, in the City and County of Cape Girardeau, from R-1 to C-2. First reading.
- Ordinance accepting Temporary Construction Easements from various property owners, for the Main Street Project, in the city of Cape Girardeau. First reading.
- Ordinance vacating the City's interest in a portion of Giboney Avenue Right-Of-Way, in the city of Cape Girardeau. First reading.
Other Business
Closed session
The City Council of the city of Cape Girardeau, may, as a part of a study session or regular or special City Council meeting, vote to hold a closed session to discuss issues listed in RSMo. Section 610.021, including but not limited to: legal actions, causes of legal action or litigation, leasing, purchasing or sale of real estate, hiring, firing, disciplining, personnel issues, or confidential or privileged communications with its attorneys.
- Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
- Town Plaza Community Improvement District Annual Report Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021.
Advisory Board minutes