- Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit for gun sales in a C-3 (Central Business) District at 125 Court Street, as submitted by Jones Drug Store, Inc.
Financial affairs
- Motion approving the payment of the semimonthly bills.
n.Motion approving the City Collector's Report.
- Motion approving the City Clerk's & Treasurer's Reports.
Action items
Power, Light, and Water Committee
- Motion authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquor, malt liquor (beer), and non-intoxicating beer, at the Heartless Concert, at the Leist Memorial Band Shell in the Jackson City Park, on Saturday, July 2, 2022, as submitted by Stooges.
- Motion authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquor, malt liquor (beer), and non-intoxicating beer, at the Independence Day Celebration, at Shelter No. 1 in the Jackson City Park, on Monday, July 4, 2022, as submitted by Stooges.
- Motion accepting the bid of Power Grid Company, of Fayetteville, Georgia, in the amount of $1,433,000.00, relative to the I-55 Electric Substation Build-Out Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Power Grid Company, relative to the I-55 Electric Substation Build-Out Project.10.Motion accepting the bid of Power Line Consultants, LLC, of Farmington, Missouri, in the amount of $1,310,960.84, relative to the I-55 Electric Substation Transmission and Distribution Line Project.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Power Line Consultants, LLC, relative to the I-55 Electric Substation Transmission and Distribution Line Project.
- Bill acceptingthe dedication of a Utility Easement Deed from The Michelle Doughten Revocable Trust Dated the 7th Day of September, 2017.
Street, sewer and cemetery committee
- Motion approving the Mayor's appointment of Cindy Lichtenegger to the Community Outreach Board, filling an unexpired term ending 2025.
- Motion setting a public hearing for Monday, July 18, 2022, at 6:p.m., to consider a Special Use Permit for a high-density mixed residential development in a C-2 (General Commercial) District at 957 West Independence Street, as submitted by Brennon Todt.
- Resolution supporting a Transportation Alternatives Grant application to the Missouri Department of Transportation for the East Main Street Trail Project between Bellevue Street and Shawnee Boulevard.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Jackson Senior Center Foundation, relative to the American Rescue Plan Act Funds.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing the submittal of applications to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, relative to the Financial Assistance Center's State ARPA Grant Programs.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a Contract for the Purchase of Real Estate with Nabors Land Developers, LLC, for a tract of land located at 2000 North High Street.
- Motion approving Task Order Authorization No. 22-13, to Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc., of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in the amount of $3,810.00, relative to providing engineering services for thePhase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and Boundary Survey at 2000 North High Street.
Non-agenda citizen input
Information items
- Report by Mayor
- Reports by Board Members
- Report by City Attorney
- Report by City Administrator
- Discussion of future agenda items
Executive session
Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items in study session
1) Update on the Wastewater Bond Issue Education & Outreach Strategy
2) June 8 Planning & Zoning Commission packet
3) June 13 Park Board packet
4) West Mary Street Bridge and Sidewalk Improvements Project --bid tabulation
5) Asphalt Pavement Improvement Program -bid tabulation
6) Roundabout Project at North High Street and Deerwood Drive -request for qualifications
7) Amendment to Task Order No. 5 for the MS4 Program Support--engineering services proposal
8) Public hearing procedure
9) Fire Department Facilities Evaluation
10) Previously tabled items
11) Additional items (unspecified)