Advisory Board minutes
City of Jackson mayor and Board of Aldermen
Regular meeting
6 p.m. Monday
Adoption of agenda
- Motion adopting the Regular Meeting Agenda
Public hearings
Hearing to consider the proposed 2022 city of Jackson annual budget, which includes proposed sewer utility service rate adjustments and other utility service rate adjustments.
Approval of minutes
- Minutes of Regular Meeting of Dec. 6, 2021
Financial affairs
- Motion approving the city collector's report
- Motion approving the city clerk's and treasurer's reports
Action items
Power, Light, and Water Committee
- Motion approving the 2022 city of Jackson solid waste, sewer, water, and electric utility service rate schedule.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving the 2022 City of Jackson Annual Budget.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance approving the 2022 City of Jackson Employee Compensation Plan.
- Motion approving an increase in expenditure, in the amount of $79,600.00, under Task Order Authorization No. 19-04, to Horner & Shifrin, Inc., of St. Louis, relative to providing additional engineering services under the Water System Facility Plan Implementation Project, Phase 2.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance extending a contractual agreement with the Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET for one year, per existing contract terms, relative to the solicitation of business, industry, and commerce.
- Motion approving the appointment of Mayor Dwain Hahs to serve as the City's representative on the Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET Board of Directors, for a one-year term, beginning January, 2022.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce, of Jackson, relative to providing services.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance terminating tax increment financing within Redevelopment Project Area 1 of the Interstate 55 Corridor Tax Increment Finance District, and dissolving the Redevelopment Project Area 1 Account of the Special Allocation Fund.
Street, sewer and cemetery committee
- Motion approving Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $138,626.32,to CE Contracting, Inc., of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, relative to the Williams Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, Phase 2.
- Motion setting a public hearing for Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 6 p.m., to consider a request for a Special Use Permit for a day care in an R-4 (General Residential) District, at 804 East Main Street, as submitted by Little Buttercups, LLC.
- .Motion setting a public hearing for Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 6 p.m., to consider the rezoning of 4.0 acres of property located at 2336 South Old Orchard Road, from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District to C-2 (General Commercial) District, as submitted by KB413,LLC.
- Resolution accepting the voluntary annexation application for 4.0 acres of property at 2336 South Old Orchard Road, and setting a public hearing for Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., as submitted by KB413, LLC.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing an Annexation Agreement with KB413, LLC, relative to the voluntary annexation of the property at 2336 South Old Orchard Road.
- .Motion accepting the bid of Metro-Ag Waste Injection Systems, Inc., of Breese, Illinois, in the amount of 7.1 cents per gallon, relative to the 2022-2023 Biosolids Disposal Program.
- Bill proposing an Ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Metro-Ag Waste Injection Systems, Inc., relative to the 2022-2023 Biosolids Disposal Program.
Non-Agenda Citizen Input
Information items
- Reports by Mayor
- Reports by Council Members
- Reports by City Attorney
- Reports by City Administrator
- Discussion of future agenda items
Executive session
Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items in study session
1) December 8 Planning & Zoning Commission packet
2) December 13 Park Board packet
3) Water System Facility Plan Implementation and East Main Street Concrete Improvements Project -Phase 2, Project 2C -bid tabulation
4) Previously tabled items
5) Additional items (unspecified)