Letter to the Editor

Tied-up dogs get better treatment than many others

To the editor:

We have two large dogs and live in what used to be called the country before the city decided to come out and keep us company. Previously, our dogs could roam at will along with our neighbor's dogs. Along with the city's company we got joggers, walkers, bicycle riders and speeding cars, so roaming is out of the question.

Our dogs are on chains in front of the house. Every time we go by, they get their ears scratched. Weather permitting, they run, play and fetch every evening. Chobie and Peyote each have a nice house, fresh water, eat on schedule, their own swimming pool. They also get to come in the house but prefer to be outside. Peyote will be with us 12 years in August and has yet to hang himself, choke or be injured while tied.

You may ask why we don't have a fenced in yard or a kennel. If the joggers, walkers, bicyclists and speeders want to contribute, I would be more than happy to start a fence fund for our three acres.

I too am an avid supporter of the Humane Society and have donated doggie quilts for the society's annual auction.

Maybe the person concerned about tied-up dogs should take a closer look next time. I consider tied and alive to be better than the alternative.


Cape Girardeau