Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Two articles in your newspaper caught my attention this past weekend. One, the Aug. 6 editorial, was somewhat critical of Southeast Missouri State University's effort in bringing an AmeriCorps community service program to Southeast Missouri.

The second was your own Aug. 7 column ("Sometimes news needs a checkup"). I really liked your idea in this column and applaud your effort to encourage more responsibility in gathering information before going to print.

I only wish you had taken the time to learn more about the AmeriCorps program proposed for Southeast Missouri before making such negative remarks. Although Southeast Missouri State University took the lead to write the grant that will provide incentives for young people to give a year or two of their lives to community service, they weren't alone in the effort. More than 15 organizations and private individuals came together in a collaborative effort to form the Southeast Missouri Partners for Community Service. The resulting grant application from this group was rated No. 1 by the Missouri Community Service Commission of all those submitted in the state.

Outstate Missouri has long been overlooked, with St. Louis and Kansas City receiving the lion's share of everything. The university is to be commended for its part in bringing this rather large grant to the region. This grant will have not only an economic impact, but a very human impact as well, as the AmeriCorps participants become involved in helping schools and neighborhoods be the best that they can be. Most of all the university is to be commended for its willingness to work together with the community to develop and expand resources which benefit us all.

Shirley Ramsey

Cape Girardeau