Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In response to your editorial supporting drilling for lead in Mark Twain National Forest, I am writing to clarify some points you omitted.

Mark Twain National Forest is a safety zone around headwaters of the Eleven Point River and Greer Spring. These waters are sacred to many people in Missouri who travel with their children to hike, fish, swim, canoe and camp in the pristine beauty of Missouri's Ozark Mountains. Like Native Americans before us, we find God's presence and peace and God's renewal when we visit these waters and forests.

Hiking into Greer Spring is a spiritual experience. About 37 years ago my family heard about these springs from Imelda and Dr. Dudley Ruopp. We have gone as often as possible to see this beautiful spring and river since 1960.

This issue of exploratory drilling for lead is not about jobs for Missouri people. It is about two wealthy corporations, Doe Run Mining and Asarco, coming into our National Forest and polluting the area held in trust for our children and your children.

It is no coincidence that Doe Run Mining and Asarco came to Randy Moore, forest supervisor of Mark Twain National Forest after they were unable to manipulate the board members of Missouri Conservation Commission.

Mr. Moore, stand up for America and just say no to drilling for lead in Mark Twain National Forest.

Please write Mr. Moore at 401 Fairgrounds Road, Rolla, Mo. 65401.

Aubrey Schumacher

Cape Girardeau