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There is something magic about hot-air balloons. They are majestic because of their size and bright colors as the float in the sky. They are mysterious vehicles as they silently transport a pilot and a couple of passengers from one point to another at the whim of whatever breeze is blowing.

Thousands of curious visitors will have an opportunity, weather permitting, to see more than 50 hot-air balloons in action this starting this evening during the Balloon and Arts Festival '95 at the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport.

At noon on Saturday, a B-2 stealth bomber is scheduled to make a fly-by. The bomber is one of the most technologically advanced aircraft in the U.S. arsenal of military might. It is a stark contrast to the simplicity of a hot-air balloon.

The festival, sponsored by the Arts Council of Southeast Missouri, continues through Sunday. Throughout the weekend there will be displays, arts and crafts, food concessions, entertainment and special events for everyone. There is a $1 admission charge for the first time this year. But it is a minimal price for so much to see, do and enjoy.