Letter to the Editor

Brazile on background checks

It has now been several weeks, and I am still waiting for a response to Democratic strategist Donna Brazile's abominable lie, dealing with a gun background check system. In her syndicated column published in the Southeast Missourian, Ms. Brazile contends that the failure of Congress to pass sensible gun laws in 2013 have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent victims in the year since. I have tried and tried to find where this information came from. I waited for the NRA to push back. I waited on other law-abiding gun owners for push back, all to no avail. Ms. Brazile, like other members of her liberal ilk, and their minions in the mainstream media, fail to realize that we need to strongly enforce our existing laws, not create new ones.

Just like the mainstream media jumps to conclusions in recent workplace shootings, Ms. Brazile likes to take advantage of the low information/no information voter with these outrageous assertions. The shootings at the Washington Naval Yard and the Fed-Ex facility in Georgia were immediately identified as assault-weapon induced. Won't work, America, didn't happen. The crimes were committed with one of the original "assault weapons," the shotgun. The shotgun was designed to cause multiple wounds and casualties. A better educated electorate and public is needed here.