
'Tis the season

It's hard to believe, but the Thanksgiving and Christmas season is upon us. While you're out enjoying the many festive activities that take place this time of year, you might see volunteers at one or more of these events:Tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. the annual coat drive with Schnucks, the Salvation Army, Pepsi and River Radio will be held at Schnucks in Cape Girardeau. Consider donating your extra coats, gloves, hats, sweaters, snowsuits or other winter clothing.

During the Salvation's Army annual Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 24 the coats will be distributed on one half of the gym while the dinner is taking place on the other half. The coat drive started locally in 1988 and Dennis Marchi, store manager of Schnucks in Cape Girardeau, said 3,500 to 4,000 coats and other winter clothing items are distributed annually.

Big River Telephone is in the midst of its eighth annual Holiday Turkey Drive. The drive, which started Nov. 1, runs through Dec. 21. You can stop by the Cape Girardeau or Farmington offices to pick up a $10 voucher to take to Schnucks in Cape Girardeau or Country Mart in Farmington. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday you can pick up a voucher in front of Schnucks in Cape Girardeau.

For each voucher purchased, Schnucks and Country Mart will donate a turkey to the Salvation Army. Last year the drive resulted in the donation of 400 turkeys to help feed those less fortunate during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

The Salvation Army is also accepting food donations for its upcoming Thanksgiving feast. Pecan, pumpkin and sweet potato pies as well as No. 10 cans of sweet potatoes, yams and corn are being accepted. Donations of paper products are also appreciated.

Consider one or more of these opportunities to spread the joy of the season to those in need.
