Letter to the Editor

Many touched, blessed by Dr. Terry

To the editor:

I would like to thank the Southeast Missourian for the recent article on my parents, Bill and Eloise Terry. The article did a good job of describing their lives. Before getting Alzheimer's disease, my father was one of the most focused, driven and hard-working people I have ever been around. For many years, his medical practice received much of his attention. If you were his patient, you knew you were going to get the best care possible. When he retired, he turned his energies to serving God and the people God brought into his life. I know there are many people in Cape Girardeau and throughout the world who have been touched and blessed by his life.

My mother has always shown great poise and carries herself with quiet dignity. She was the perfect partner for Dad. She complemented all of his activities, was a great mother and found time to pursue her own interests. She has shown her character, faithfulness and loyalty throughout the difficulties of Dad's journey. Once it became obvious that Dad had a serious problem, Mom didn't waste time feeling sorry for herself. She adjusted her life to meet the new challenges. She took great care of Dad at home until she physically couldn't do it any longer. She has lived out her marriage vows better than anyone I can imagine and glorified God in the process.

This type of ordeal is difficult on any family. It is heartbreaking to see what Alzheimer's has done to Dad. Our family takes comfort in knowing that we will have a reunion with Dad in his pre-Alzheimer's condition in heaven one day.

ALAN TERRY, Pinehurst, N.C.