Letter to the Editor

Tribute to three wonderful people

To the editor:My life has changed with the loss of three wonderful people.

Jimmy Foster passed away Oct. 2. He was a Shriner, and I will never forget him working in his yard even though he was in his 90s. He prided himself on his tomato garden. Jimmy could not be fooled, though. Ken Myles and I mowed his yard while he and his wife were at church, but somehow he always knew we did it.

Ruth Moore passed away Oct. 4. She was the mother of my veterinarian. She was 82. She was a great lady and would come by my office to talk. We talked about her poodle that her daughter brought to her to take care of until she could find it a new home, knowing she would fall in love with the dog. I would help Ruth on weekends around the house when she asked me to and listen to her stories about her daughters and grandson. She loved her family and was proud of them.

Pat Patrick was a businessman who passed away Oct. 6. He was a friend. The highlight of my day was when he came to my office and would tell me about his hunting trips. He would tell me stories about the war. He talked about the days when his store was downtown and about his wife, children and grandchildren and how proud he was of them.

I loved these three people for different reasons. They may be gone, but they will never be forgotten.

SHARRON WERNER, Cape Girardeau