Letter to the Editor

Good reasons for walking bus

To the editor:

My wife, Laura Glynn, is one of the two people responsible for the Weaver Walking School Bus. I was told to look up the column by Joe Sullivan. I was a bit taken aback at the derisive tone he took with the walking school bus concept, as if having adults walking with the children was nothing more than "looking out for spitballs."

Weaver Grade School is situated at the crossroads of two very busy four-lane streets in Springfield, Mo. In 1926, when the school was built, this was near the edge of town. Now it is near the center of town. I am glad that Mr. Sullivan has such great faith in today's children, believing that the kindergartners walking a mile to school will always use the few crosswalks.

There are 966 registered sex offenders in Greene County. Most of them are concentrated in Springfield, and many of them live in our neighborhood. There are also unregistered sex offenders living in our neighborhood. Just 4 days ago, a 12-year-old girl left school, was seen by friends walking home but never made it. She lived just a few blocks away from my house.

These are the reasons we walk children to school. And now that I am doing it, I am glad for the experience.

SEAN GLYNN, Springfield, Mo.