Letter to the Editor

Drury has shown what can happen with cooperation

To the editor:

Jim Drury is right. His comments in Saturday's Southeast Missourian are very welcome words to all progressive citizens and community leaders of Cape Girardeau. His claim that the community is divided -- "That's why we are not progressing," he said -- and that he wants to see community unity is right on target.

Drury has been known for his stonewalling of efforts by mayors and city leaders to grow this great city (Show Me Center, street programs, River Campus). His efforts have long plagued the city with unnecessary costs and time delays on projects that would benefit our citizens and visitors to our city. These have been projects that can add growth and fuel additional tax base for Cape Girardeau.

I can remember, on the other hand, riding on a bus to Paducah with a group of leaders including Drury as we visited that city's technical school. Drury was a great advocate of a project to enhance our vocational-technical school in Cape. You only have to drive down the new Silver Springs Road and visit our great new career and technology center to see the fruits of completing a necessary community project without having to fight Drury. It's time, Jim, to show the citizens of Cape Girardeau that you really mean what you say and quit dividing the community.

Community unity led by you and all leaders would really enhance the progress and growth of our beloved city of Cape Girardeau.


Cape Girardeau