Letter to the Editor

Intellectuals and government should stay apart

To the editor:

I hope this is the last letter I write about President Clinton and his administration.

I was appalled when many intellectuals said it would be a mistake to impeach Clinton. In my opinion, they sold out. It showed me that some intellectuals can be corrupted.

In his book, "The Ascent of Man," Jacob Bronowski expounded the age-old conflict between intellectual leadership and civil authority. Intellectuals have a great deal of power. The government wants to use that power. Modern intellectuals are leaders. Bronowski doesn't think they should get too close to the seat of power. If they allow themselves to be used this way, our beliefs will fall apart in cynicism. He said every strong intellectual wants to be a guardian of integrity.

Bronowski brought up the example of Jesus, who was a moral and intellectual leader of his people. Religion at that time was simply an arm of the government. This conflict is what caused his death.

Clinton made the FBI and other agencies an arm of his government. Instead of protecting us from terrorists, these agencies forced a small boy back to Cuba, which is a training camp for terrorists.


Dexter, Mo.