
Highway panel wields significant influence

Moreover, within a couple of years the governor will have another two appointments to make, at which point he will have chosen five of the six members.

Vacancies are coming open this month with the retirements of chairman S. Lee Kling of St. Louis and William Gladden of Houston, in south-central Missouri. Both are Democrats.

On Dec. 1, the term of Republican Edward Douglas of Chillicothe will end.

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of these replacement appointments.

This commission, which oversees all transportation policy in our state, is one of the three or four most important in state government.

Last week The Associated Press reported that the two appointments coming for this month's vacancies will be former Senate president pro tem Bill McKenna of Jefferson County and Springfield Chamber of Commerce executive Jim Anderson.

McKenna's appointment will be especially welcome if indeed he is announced as the governor's choice. McKenna, a Southeast Missouri State University alumni, is a congenial fellow who enjoys the respect of Republicans and Democrats alike.

Anderson, a close friend of the governor, comes highly recommended by those who know him. All such appointments are subject to Senate confirmation.

The next appointment will be vital. We urge the governor to choose from among Missouri's leading citizens for so crucial a post.
