
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms for all you do

Suppose we were to put together a recipe to make a Mom.

What would that look like?

-- Big dollop of support that extends from the cradle to adulthood.

-- More than a little accountability.

-- As much understanding as possible.

-- Variable amounts of advice (likely more as time moves on).

-- Acceptance beyond measure.

-- An amount of worry no one will ever see.

And most importantly:

-- Heaping helping of unconditional love.

Mix all those together.

Bake in all the time necessary (even when it’s in short supply).

Layer on responsibilities at work, to a spouse and possibly other children and her own life (which contrary to a child’s belief does exist beyond the maternal role).

Let set and form into a lifetime informal contract stronger than any other bond.

Serves: Everyone.


Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12.

We take this day each year to celebrate our mom and all those who give of themselves to birth and nurture in a way unlike anyone else.

We’ll buy some flowers and take Mom out for brunch or lunch, and she’ll appreciate the effort. But, those little acts don’t balance the ledger. It’s impossible to.

Mom is the person who cares for us when we hurt. She kisses booboos and mends broken hearts.

She protects us from the world as best she can, and lets us learn on our own when the time comes.

She shares her knowledge, which becomes more valuable with each passing year.

Thank you to all the mothers for everything they have done and continue to do for their children and all those around them.

Allow us to share one lesson we’ve learned in regard to moms: In addition to making a big deal out of one Sunday in May, make Mom a part of many more days each year. A weekend visit when it’s not a holiday. A phone call or two each week. A card dropped in the mail.

Happy Mother’s Day!
