Letter to the Editor

Health board deserves support

Jan Farrar's critique of the Cape Girardeau County Health Board deserves a response. She may not be familiar with the protesters' reoccurring actions, but most of us are. We, the people, are done tolerating the misguided protesters' half truths and outright lies.

Sorry (but really not sorry) that those ill informed protesters masquerading as freedom fighters felt ignored and were met with an abrupt meeting adjournment. After listening to two years of their nonsensical ranting and false claims, I refuse to take the protesters seriously, and I won't embrace their flat-earther philosophies. That's not "thin skinned", but rather an appropriate response to the protesters' ridiculous claims and often equally abysmal behavior. The majority of citizens are not going to listen to their irrational protests against simple public health recommendations.

The protesters can huddle in their Facebook group's tinfoil-lined basement discussing conspiracy theories. They can drink goat wormer. They can disrespectfully wave their upside down flags, misinterpret the Constitution and create/promote faux data. What they don't get to do is hijack meetings with irrational, childish behavior. They certainly aren't going to drive public health policy.

I know that -- in spite of board member Eric Becking and the dozen protesters he panders to -- the Cape Girardeau County Health Board implements reasonable policies and promotes effective mitigation strategies. We, the people, support the Cape County health board.