Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Nobody expected Maria Lydia Hernandez to awaken from a coma. Her doctors certainly held no hope for the twin girls that she carried. Last April 24 Maria complained of a severe headache. Doctors assured her that it was caused by her pregnancy. But when Maria had trouble breathing an ambulance was called. Maria slipped into a coma while on the way to the hospital. Unbeknownst to Maria or her doctors at the time, Maria had been born with a condition called arteriovenous malformation. In other words Maria's blood vessels in her brain were malformed and tangled resulting in a rupture.

She underwent embolization, in which doctors inject a glue-like substance to cut the blood flow to the tangled vessels. Three weeks went by with no improvement. Maria remained in a coma. By mid-May the family was about to remove life support. A priest began administering the last rites of the Catholic faith. Suddenly Maria sputtered, coughed and lurched in her bed. The doctors said that it was only an involuntary reflex. The family would hear none of it. To them this was a sign from God. Intensive care continued until early June. Finally Mrs. Lopez began to slowly regain consciousness and respond to simple commands.

June 9 she awoke completely, and on June 15 she delivered two miracle baby girls. Happy birthday Arizandy Leann and Brianna Angel. These children are a testimony to the faith of the family in God and to His loving gift to them for their faithfulness. Not only are the two little girls a miracle for surviving their mother's near death, but also because the mother's family did not choose the certain death by abortion.


Cape Girardeau