Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I would like to comment on the city's proposal to purchase the water system from Union Electric Company. This issue will appear on the ballot November 5th. The purchase of the water system by the city would be done through the sale of bonds to raise the necessary revenues.

It just seems to me, as a private citizen of Cape Girardeau, to be such a good deal that I believe the time is now for favorable action. I have made it my business to learn the facts and every indication points in the direction of the city being given the authority to buy the water system and its holdings for the agreed price.

First of all, the price is really right, and only because of Union Electric's willingness to get out of the water business and, at the same time, secure their future in the gas and electric business. If we (Cape Girardeau) were to go out on the open market for the current water system (like a privately owned company), it may well be out of reach, even though it is a positive move for a city of our size to do.

"Water is the necessity of life." Most would agree with that. If that's the case, then we should have control of this when at all possible. When you just think of our growth, both commercially and residentially, this fact alone would justify the action. However, we can add adequate water storage treatment for safe water and better pressure to fight fires. A privately owned water company would have so many qualifying parameters to justify additional investment, expansion, inspection, etc., compared to a city-owned water system, which would be activated with local solicitation of the right local people to get the ball rolling ... local people that must account to local government controlled by the people.

I plan to vote "yes" November 5th for the proposal that addresses the idea that the city of Cape Girardeau own their own water system. My sincere hope is that other Cape Girardeau citizens will get out and vote "yes" November ah for Cape Girardeau to take a hold of its own destiny. Vote "yes" for Cape Girardeau to own its own water system!

Jim Riley Sr.

Committee Member

Citizens for City Water

Cape Girardeau