Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I am deeply concerned about Proposition B. Despite all I have read and heard my position is unchanged.

Voters should vote "no" on Proposition B because:

1) It is a last minute, last ditch effort. If this is the best our legislators could come up with, a special session of the General Assembly should have been called by the governor.

2) This funding is only a band-aid approach to a more serious problem, increased funding for education. Can we trust our legislators to act in light of how we got here in the first place? Don't hold your breath!

3) This funding could be diverted or cut in ten years due to a sunset clause. Education will have needs in ten years.

4) How much of this increased funding will go for court-ordered desegregation that has been mandated by liberal judges? When I think about all the money that has been poured into these programs, it angers me. Our judges have stolen our tax dollars that could go a long way in helping our schools.

5) It is a tax increase with a lot of promises and provisions. Quality education will not happen by throwing more money at it.

6) Ask yourself can you afford it? I still maintain a tax proposal in the midst of an economic downturn doesn't make sense. We must all live within our means and at times that means we must tighten our belts. Sometimes you've got to notch out a new hole.

7) Our legislators need a clear message from the voters of this state. We will not just accept whatever is thrown out to us. We pay your salary and don't you forget it.

I only hope the voters will get out and vote. Don't let a small minority decide the fate of this issue.

Rick Krietemeyer
