Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

In light of the recent murder of Shakelia Johnson, I am saddened at the lack of response shown to the recent proposal of Councilman Doug Richards to find solutions to the problem of crime in this neighborhood. Some have gone so far as to label the proposal as racist.

This is not a black/white issue, nor a rich/poor issue, nor even young/old issue. It is, rather, a problem of the deterioration of our society's self-respect, without which we cannot value or respect the rights of others. The loss of self-respect eats away at the moral fiber of a society like a cancer, which as evidenced by this situation, preys on the youngest and weakest first.

We as adults need to take the lead in providing alternatives to the type of activities which lead to the erosion of self-esteem, resulting in these young people feeling their only power or worth comes from the support of gangs or holding a weaker person captive to their own feelings and desires.

Fortunately, as young people are most susceptible, they are, also, the most moldable. They can have their self-worth restored, but only at a price. Are we are adults willing to take a stand and offer them alternative choices?

Shakelia was a fine, beautiful, young woman, who will never realize the potential she was given. Let's not waste any more of our young people to petty prejudices and hatred. Let's pull together to offer her friends and family and peers alternatives. Then her life will be a fit memorial.

Best regards,

Jerrie L. Miller

Tamms, Ill.