Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

Anyone who thinks the "last minute" advertisements against the school bond issue just happened to fall 48 hours before the election is being unrealistic.

One look at the "limited" information on who is really behind this onslaught tells the story.

This seems to be the same group who fought the Show Me Center location.

A check of where their "personal, business or property interests" lie would seem to indicate that "those interests" are probably one of their primary goals.

The "smoke screen" of probable traffic tie ups at the Show Me Center location has not materialized. Other "major problems" have proven to be unfounded. Their goal then, just as now, put new facilities near their interests.

It is unconscionable they would risk our children's, grandchildren's future, and city growth, etc., for personal gain. But, history has proven that "personal gain" can be a great motivator.

There is no question you could pick at the bond issue. But, as in any issue, you can talk it to death and never do anything. The tremendous interest savings made possible by the low present interest rates will far outweigh any minor adjustments that could be made by "voting no" and kicking this issue around for another year.

Our daughter and son-in-law were Cape/Scott City teachers. They left the area because they saw limited local potential. We hope that good schools, and the resulting good Cape area growth, will not make it necessary for other children to leave the area to seek greater opportunities.

My wife and I are retired, 68 and 70, but we feel good schools are not a luxury. We are willing to pay more taxes now to help insure our grandchildren's future.

We sincerely hope that other seniors will not be swayed by this "last minute" disruptive program.

We benefited from the investments of those who paid for our schools. Can we afford not to give something back for the future of Cape's children and our grandchildren?

It is vitally important to realize that every vote for is important. You can rest assured that the last minute organized opposition will be voting.

We hope everyone votes their true feelings. Let's not wake up Wednesday morning and say, gee, if only I had voted, it would have made a difference.

Cliff Rudesill

Cape Girardeau