Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In his column Oct. 31, Jack Stapleton correctly points out the irony of politicians who attack government as being terrible, but want to be a part of it. Libertarians do not fall into that class of politician. We see through all the "trust me" promises that have been foisted upon us by politicians over the last several decades. We see that, in spite of promises by Republicans and Democrats to the contrary, the same problems are not only with us but are frequently getting worse.

The Libertarian party offers a set of realistic solutions that stress personal responsibility and private sector actions. Libertarians believe that the founding fathers of our country were not just some naive bunch of 18th century wig-wearers. They were afraid of just some of the problems that we are having now.

Of course government plays an important role in our society. It can, and should, provide an environment that allows people to be the best that they can be. It should allow everyone's natural desire to get more out of life work as freely as possible to all our benefit.

What government cannot do is be Big Brother and step in and solve all our problems. It didn't work in the former Soviet Union, and it won't work here.

The Libertarian party just wants to get government out of the way of its citizens so we can all be the best that we can be.


Cape Girardeau