Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I just don't get it. After all the discussion about the national debt in the last presidential campaign, how could anybody still be wanting the government to pass a health care bill with the massive amount of monies it will take to pay for it. The government can't even project its cost with any accuracy. How can our great leaders continue leading us down this path, which has to be a dead end? Yet year after year we continue down this same old path of passing this bill, pass that bill, because it's for the good of the people, and raise taxes to pay for them. Increase the national debt.

America, this cannot continue. It's against the laws of economics. Jack Stapleton's commentary in the Southeast Missourian pointed out the beginning of this great catastrophe that is inevitable unless government quits thinking of ways to spend money and puts all its efforts into cutting spending, not just slowing down, but stop it dead in its tracks! As Stapleton pointed out, a federal commission of which our own Sen. John Danforth is vice chairman predicts in just 15 years all of the revenue take in by Uncle Sam will be spent on entitlements and national debt. Think about this, America. What does your common sense tell you about your future? Not only will we be socialized, but where do federal governments go to file bankruptcy?

Children born today won't even be out of high school in 15 years!

Talk to your representative about stopping all new spending, including this pork barrel crime bill. Your and your children's future depends on it.

