Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

America doesn't need socialized medicine, because everything that the government does, it does poorly. A few examples of this: The postage and the costs of the Post Office keep going higher and higher and the service keeps getting worse. Welfare was to be a temporary thing to help people until they found work, but now it has become a way of life. Families have been on it for several generations. Social Security was to be for retirement for those who worked and paid into it. The government has even used Social Security funds for general revenue. Education is another area of government where we are paying more per pupil than ever in the history of our nation, but the results are declining with lower test scores, lower scholastic and moral standards, little or no discipline and more violence in the schools.

Why should we go to national health care? It simply isn't government's business to provide health care for everyone. they aren't required to take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. We have a national that is trillions of dollars in debt. It is extremely difficult for us to even pay the interest. We cannot afford a costly program like that. The taxpayer on the average works approximately six months out of the year to pay all forms of taxes now. he can't afford any more taxes. If the employer pays for health insurance, he passes the cost on to the consumer. Wake up, America! there is no such thing as a free something from Uncle Sam as many seem to think.

If you don't want poor health care like England, Canada and other foreign countries have, then call or write your congressman and senators and tell them that national health care isn't for Americans.

Walter Lanham

De Soto