Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I agree with the young lady, a senior at Central High School, in thinking a few chosen student-body members were unfairly questioned pertaining to scholastic knowledge by KFVS-TV. I am sure the station meant no harm but felt it a challenge.

Students today are becoming more and more knowledgeable, and those few questions had no bearing on the students' intelligence. I wonder how the questions would have been answered if they were reversed.

People on the whole are sensitive about many things. That is human nature. Well-known television stars who appear on various talk shows will admit being exposed to the public in personal questions makes them feel uneasy and nervous. This happens often.

I am hoping the students questioned at Central High School are not discouraged. Your are being admired for your courage, your knowledge and your dignity in answering the questions. All of you are very fine students and have made a good impression on people with your courage, politeness and knowledge, much of which is yet hidden. We are proud of you.


Cape Girardeau