Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am writing in response to "Flooding in Jackson" Speak Out article. Normally, we do not respond to wild accusations but I felt this would be the exception. As the developer of Fairway Estates in Jackson, we take exception to the caller. We take great pride in this subdivisions that we started six years ago. It is well established and was engineered by a private firm and approved by the city of Jackson.

We have designed this area to maintain the beautiful rolling hills instead of a scraped-off tract development. As various phases have been developed, we have worked hand and hand with the city of Jackson's Water Control people to minimize any excessive runoff.

We cannot control water runoff that is generated by contractors during home construction. This has been a very difficult year due to the very wet spring. Jackson received a 5 inch rain that put surface water in many basements in the area. We are not aware of any surface water entering the homes in Fairway Estates due to poor engineering of water shed but it has been difficult for some new residents to establish their yards due to the heavy rains. Every homeowner prefers the surface water runs on their neighbor's property.

I am sure the caller purchased a home in Fairway Estates because of its beauty. If the caller has a problem that we can address, they should contact us for a meeting to discuss their individual situation. We take great pride in our development and our corporate reputation and will make every effort to address reasonable requests that fall under our control.

Ronn Unterreiner, president

JB Properties, Inc.

Cape Girardeau