Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Most every taxpayer has noticed the recent focus by Congress on bringing about reform of the Internal Revenue Service. The House passed a bill prior to adjourning, and the Senate will take up legislation early this year.

A key change that should be brought to light is a provision championed by U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson as part of a bipartisan IRS reform effort. Emerson was a primary cosponsor of a provision which expands privacy protections to tax advice received from a wide range of tax advisers, whereas today the protection is quite limited.

Money magazine said this taxpayer confidentiality proposal is one of the top three changes in the bill that would make the IRS treat taxpayers better.

Emerson deserves our appreciation for playing a lead role in the reform process. Emerson is helping to ensure that the taxpayers are the ultimate winners in this debate, not only through strengthening taxpayer rights, but by helping us see that Congress can work together and get things accomplished.

The House mad an excellent start. The Senate and the president need to finish the job.


Ernst & Young

St. Louis