Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

When I first saw on television John Glenn's announcement of his intention to return to orbit once again at the age of 76, the first American ever to orbit, I immediately became amazed, surprised and pleased. Without a doubt, if successful this will be the greatest accomplishment yet of his regarding space.

Glenn's agility is a determining factor. However, I feel his determination, desire, assurance and excellent spirit will prove big factors in dealing with his agility.

Senator Glenn has always been a faithful, truthful and God-fearing man, which leads me to feel he will once again be successful and become the greatest man to orbit the earth at such a late age in life. That will certainly become one of the highlights of the year 2000.

So much history has already been made in the shuttle missions. Whoever thought it possible for man to walk on the moon? How we wish some day it will be possible also to reach the beautiful stars. So much more is yet to be discovered in the unknown. The year 2000, I feel confident, will bring about many explorations and the most surprising experiments unknown to us know. What an exhilarating feeling for all of us.

Contemplating on the year 2000 alone leaves all of us with a feeling of wonder, a feeling of hope and a felling of blessedness.


Cape Girardeau