Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It was disappointing to read Alan Journet's recent letter attacking U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson for her leadership on the issue of global warming. As a farmer, I applaud her efforts to question the administration's support of the so-called Kyoto Treaty. In its present form, this treaty commits the United States to actions that are not supported by most nations, lack scientific justification and further weaken our nation's farm economy.

Emerson and other members of the Missouri congressional delegation are correct to demand better information on this topic before subjecting their constituents to a new round of rules and regulations. You will recall that it wasn't long ago that many scientists were convinced that global cooling was occurring.

Our elected officials' positions are based on common sense, not politics. In fact, the U.S. Senate sent a strong signal to the administration by voting 95-0 for a resolution opposing any agreement that exempts developing countries from compliance. As a result, there are no plans to submit the treaty to Congress for ratification anytime soon.

Despite the rhetoric, a cautious approach is warranted, given the scientific uncertainty and the economic ramifications of either the Kyoto Treaty or backdoor implementation through administrative rule making. Thankfully, Emerson understands this.

ELVIN KINGREE, District 6 Board Member

Missouri Farm Bureau
