Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The recent poll by KFVS 12 showing that 54 percent of those responding feel a tax cut is not necessary while only 46 percent support it is significant and gratifying. Perhaps there is still enough levelheadedness among us to see through the phony so-called conservative anti-tax mania to discern reality.

Tax cuts at this time are being presented merely to provide more something for nothing. They are being offered in view of surpluses that have not yet occurred. What is being passed off as a surplus presently is still based on money stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund.

If this kind of local awareness is a national trend, it portends well for the future decisions of our body politic to step forward and make the hard decisions to meet our responsibility to each other in matters of Social Security, comprehensive health care, education and all matters basic to a productive national life.


Cape Girardeau