Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It is my opinion that last week's voting was a thrown election, and it did not depend on whether we were talking Electoral College or popular vote.

It was a strategy of the Democrats to load up all the heavy populated districts in the country with any kind of vote they could find. It became quite clear, when you look at a county-by-county vote throughout the country as published in USA Today. It showed the following statistics: Gore won 677 counties vs. 2,434 for Bush. Gore won 580,134 square miles vs. 2,427,039 for Bush. Gore won 127 million voters in those areas vs. 143 million for Bush.

In Florida, it appears that the Democrats selected voters who could not read.

There was a lot of deception in this election. The Democrats have been power hungry since the Republicans' sweep of the House. They have used every trick in the book and then some.

The worst part is there is a spiritual battle going on in this country. It is an attack on the very soul of the country as well as the individuals who are spiritually unaware. We cannot keep murdering unborn children, putting filth in our movies and TV programs, pushing drugs on children and adults and lying at the highest levels of government without paying the consequences.

The other night on msNBC, a woman was speaking before a group of pornographers, including Larry Flynt, and she stated that if George Bush got in, she thought the pornographers would pay the penalty because, under the Clinton-Gore team, prosecutions for pornography had gone down 80 percent.

Need I say more?


Cape Girardeau