Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Dr. Peter Gott's Nov. 7 column warning us about the dangers of herbal dietary supplements was clearly biased. He fails to mention that over 100,000 Americans die each year as a direct result of prescription medications. That, combined with other medical errors and complications, result in at least 225,000 deaths each year in this country. This information is according to an article published in the July 2000 Journal of the American Medical Association. It is estimated that the medical industry is the third leading cause of death in this country. Gott also fails to mention that the Food and Drug Administration has full authority to remove dangerous supplements from the market.

While herbal supplements should be treated with respect, it is important to put the facts in perspective. The facts speak for themselves. More people are choosing supplements because they work without the harmful side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. To suggest that they are dangerous is irresponsible and wrong. Herbs are one of God's gifts to man. Just because they don't contribute to the bottom line of the medical community and pharmaceutical companies does not lessen their power.


Cape Girardeau