Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

A recent letter presented some information I feel needs clarification. The letter expressed concerns about whether the Jackson School District is putting the taxpayers' money in the right place regarding Tuesday's vote on the junior high bond proposal.

The first issue addressed was the middle school. This facility was completed in 1995. Its capacity is 750 students. There are 674 students. Long-range planning will address the future needs. Current enrollment projections do not warrant immediate expansion. Four sections have been scheduled for lunch. Students have 30 minutes for lunch. Once students are finished eating, they are allowed to go outside or into the gymnasium. During previous school years, the cafeteria doubled as a study hall. This is not the case this year.

The second issue was the current junior high facility.

While there is no way to widen hallways, proposed additions would allow student traffic to be diverted in several directions. Students would no longer need to be routed outdoors. Classes with smaller enrollments would be in rooms off narrower hallways. Lockers would be redistributed.

The community, parents, teachers and administrators have high expectations for students who graduate from the Jackson district. The plan includes a writing lab and a computer lab. These classrooms would provide eighth- and ninth-grade students with technology needed to enhance writing and research skills.

The current gymnasium has two physical education classes every hour except for the lunch hour. Between 60 and 70 students have to utilize this space each hour. On days that weather permits, one or both classes go outside. However, on days of inclement weather, all students must share the gym.

The gym seats 260 people. For students to participate in assemblies, the grades must be divided with approximately 150 students seated on the floor. The proposed multipurpose gym would seat 800 students. It would also house athletics and provide adequately vented locker rooms with showers.

The $6 million bond issue will address 18 additional classrooms, expansion and renovation of the library, expansion and equipping of the kitchen, the multipurpose gym, and renovation of the east and west corridors. If the bid comes in under this amount, the school board would have the opportunity to consider adding additional technology improvements or four classrooms.

The proposed addition to the junior high is the result of an in-depth study of enrollment trends, course offerings, future curriculum offerings and technology needs. The proposal is part of continuous planning of the district's progress. Results of this planning have included Orchard Elementary, the senior high multipurpose gym, the middle school, the addition to North Elementary, South Elementary and the senior high math and science building.

As planning continues, the next step is an in-depth study of the senior high campus along with needs at the elementary level and at the middle school. Input from parents, community members and faculty members will be included.


Jackson, Mo.