Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

For the first time, scientists in the United States have admitted creating human embryos knowing that they will be used for experimentation which will cause their deaths. While scientists have been using embryos in this manner for a long time, in the past they justified their experiments by using only so-called leftover embryos, as though that made it OK.

I don't know why President Clinton is still trying to create a legacy before he leaves office. He already has one. Is he ashamed of the fact that under his leadership indeed, with his absolute support -- science is leaping forward for the good of mankind over the tiny bodies of little human babies?

Also under his leadership the dreaded RU 486 drug will be available to every teen-age girl who continues to practice the morals preached in all of the sex-education school programs sustained by taxpayer money under the his leadership. RU 486 will be manufactured in communist China and distributed by Danco Industries through Planned Parenthood. Here is the president's legacy: mass murder.

Let's be honest. Over 4,400 babies are killed every day in the United States by several methods of abortion. We don't know how many more are secretly killed by morning-after pills.


Cape Girardeau