Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently I took a tour of R.O. Hawkins Junior High School in Jackson to see the crowded conditions. There were a few things that really stood out. One was the attitude of the students, and the other was the attitude of the teachers.

Here were our children in less-than-desirable conditions going about their business with smiles. I saw no bad feelings among students, no grudges.

Many grownups could take a big lesson from the students. Do students carry grudges for a long time? No. Do some grownups carry grudges? Yes. And who suffers? If this setting a good example for the children? We need good role models.

Everyone should see these teachers go about their workday. Some of them carry a box from room to room because they don't have a home room. They do this with a smile. They deserve better. Quality teachers are hard to come by, and this district and others in the area are fortunate to have competent educators.

Providing a good education for our children is our top priority, and it is difficult to understand why some of our citizens choose to quibble over a few dollars in taxes to make better education a reality.

There are many people in the community who have don great things for our schools by setting up scholarships and donations, and many of them prefer to go unnoticed. The only reward they want is to see our future generations benefit. The world needs more of this type of people. On the other hand, there are those who would rather hold on to a few dollars than properly educate our children.

The only reason some people don't step forward is because they would rather hold a grudge. Tomorrow is none too soon to show our children that the older generation cares about their future. Our loyalties are important signs of the persons we have chosen to become. Shouldn't we show today's generation what loyalty is?

We are the sum of our actions. Do you want to be in the plus or minus column?


Jackson, Mo.