Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I want to applaud the editorial in the Missourian some days ago regarding the transit question. The editorial was surely right. We riders of the transit system want to have our say, and we should. We ride every day and know how it's done.

It would be simple to obtain names of users from the transit office, and we will give honest answers to questions and say how having this service affects our lives.

The transit service is a wonderful help to older or handicapped persons and to others unable to drive. It lets us live our lives without leaning on family or neighbors and lets us do whatever we need just like everyone else. Freedom to do your thing is a wonderful plus, and we understand that very well.

I've ridden with the transit system since its beginning and see how the drivers care about the riders. They are considerate and helpful and careful of your welfare. They do this job because they care. You can do your own shopping or go to the doctors, pharmacy or even the library or to visit friends whatever you need or want to do.

I know my life would be totally different, and I would not be self-sufficient any longer, without this wonderful help.

We are hoping there will be someone with time enough to go along for some hours as the vans pick up and deliver people so that person will really understand how it is. Some riders have different problems and consideration that people not using this service don't realize. If the transit system is to be helped, these people should see it as it really is.

I know I'm just a user of the vans, but I'm not the only person who feels as I do. I hope the system won't be changed much or be made impersonal somehow. It works very well as it is.

As it is sometimes with the good things your are given in life, you get to accepting them as your due and neglect to be as grateful as you should. Thank you, Cape County Transit.


Jackson, Mo.