Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

John Cook of Cape Girardeau recently wrote that the Southeast Missourian was "an organ for the Republican Party in Missouri." Though correct as far as it went, I think the assertion needs expansion and refinement.

A more accurate characterization of the role of the Southeast Missourian when it comes to the GOP is that it is an organ for the dissemination of Republican Party propaganda at the local, state, national, international, solar, galactic, inter-galactic, and universal levels. Needless to say, this is a daunting task. In an effort to spread the Republican Party gospel, it is estimated some 1,100 Southeast Missourian propaganda ministers and assistants have fallen into those outer-space phenomena known as black holes, determinedly and doggedly bellowing survival of the fittest Republican platitudes as they disappeared into darkness.

Amazingly, of the 1,100 who went bye-bye down black holes, only 12 are reported to have weakened and become last-minute converts to the Democrat view, screaming for assistance from anyone to rescue them, even, though so contrary to their convictions, the government.


Cape Girardeau