Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I have read that many Missourians believe our roads are in good shape. I have heard the argument that the road that takes me to work is OK, and I don't need to spend any more money on road taxes. I have heard the 15-year highway plan has been abandoned, and there needs to be more accountability from the Missouri Department of Transportation.

I would have to say no, no and yes.

Where are these good roads? They are not the county and urban roads and bridges I drive frequently. According to this newspaper, Missouri ranks second in annual maintenance cost per vehicle due to bad roads.

There are very few products that aren't affected by transportation costs. The cost is passed on to consumers.

I agree MoDOT should be accountable. However, how many times are we going to kick the dog before we move ahead?

All I am asking is that our legislature pass reasonable legislation we can vote on. I believe the voters can make an intelligent decision.

I agree with Gov. Bob Holden's plan to revise the makeup of the highway commission and demand accountability, to furnish matching funds for cities and counties and to include a sunset clause.

State and federal fuel taxes are a fixed amount per gallon. When the price of fuel goes up, the revenue from fuel taxes usually goes down because consumption goes down. Fuel taxes aren't contributing to recent increases in the cost of gasoline.

We can pay now, or we can pay now and later.


Jackson, Mo.