Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On behalf of the Cape Girardeau Police Department, I would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the outpouring of community support for officers Keith May and Brad Moore, their families and the police department. This unfortunate and tragic event shocked many and underscored the dangers faced by law enforcement in the fight against crime and illegal drugs.

Although we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to so many, I would like to specifically thank the emergency first responders, the Southeast Missouri Hospital medical staff and area law enforcement officers who worked diligently to save the lives of our officers. We also appreciate the many citizens and community leaders who have responded with prayers, support and concern. Most of all, we thank God for the blessing of life for our officers.

As we continue to work through the physical and emotional pain, we will always pray that our courageous officers who protect and serve will never again have to face such an ordeal. However, it remains a reality we should never forget.


Chief of Police

Cape Girardeau